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Burning fails repeatedly....

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by PalauB, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. PalauB

    PalauB Guest


    DVD Burner - Toshiba sd-r6372 4x DVD+R, DVD-R, DVD+RW, etc. at 4x

    DVD Decrypter to rip
    DVDShrink to shrink/reauthor/recode
    Nero 6.whatever (latest)to recode & burn

    Media -Khypermedia 4x DVD+R blanks

    Baoght a ten pack. Ripped a movie fine with decrypter. Re-authored and recoded with Nero (to files, not iso), burn started but failed at about 25%, several times. Anybody need coasters?

    Figured I had no reason to, but I'd blame nero. So, tried reathoring with Shrink, chose only the main feature, wrote to an ISO, had shrink open decrypter to burn, burn failed about 75%. Twice.

    Tried both methods at least once more forcing lower burn speeds (media & drive both rated up to 4x, but at this point what else could I try..) two more coasters...

    Please help.
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Sounds like a media problem. Can you post a Nero burn log so I can look at it?
  3. roeod4

    roeod4 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Absolutely sounds like the media. Khypermedia makes terrible discs, I have nothing but trouble from them in the past.
  4. PalauB

    PalauB Guest


    I have to run to a mtg for a few, but if you will remn=mind me where the default location for Nero to save the log files is I will send. (I THINK i saved the log...)
  5. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    This is the default location that the burn log will be sent to when you select the "Save" burn log button:

    C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero

    If you forgot to save the log file, there is a NeroHistoryLog in the C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero (or NeroExpress) directory.

    I would try a burn using some Ritek or Verbatim media.
    If you do post your log, be sure to edit out your registration number!
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer
    computer newbie
    Sony VAIO
    Suzuki GSXR1000
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2004
  6. PalauB

    PalauB Guest

    Are memorex blanks any good? That's what's on sale at the local electronics dump.
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    It's hard to say with Memorex since they buy from whoever is cheapest at the time and put their name on it. Sometimes you get decent stuff other time you get junk.
  8. Frozilla

    Frozilla Member

    May 15, 2004
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    i had cd-rs made by that brand and i wasted 25 out of 26 before throing them all in the trash.
  9. PalauB

    PalauB Guest

    Ok, last night stopped by the only place I had time to stop at and still relieve the sitter on time. (The kids are the reason for the backupo effort in the first place - as much as I enjoy a good Sponge Bob episode, I don't want to pay for it twice!) and got som Sony blanks... too expensive, but baought a 5 pack in hopes of proving I could even accomplish this task.

    Popped in the blanks, opened Decrypter to burn the ISO, in a very short order I had a backup that played on both my Mintek and Apex players. Nest test is the player in the van. Burned two more iso's, not troubles whatsoever. Blame the media.

    Thanks for all of your help. The Sony disks sufficiently proved the capabilities of the software packages and hardware I have, so I guess I will sink some money on a larger pack of Verbatim or Ritek. Anyone suggest a retailer?

  10. bloonight

    bloonight Guest

    I started about 2 months ago and was running into all kinds of problems with my media but after trying every combination I could I finally got it down pat. I don't even buy expensive media anymore. I use the crap stuff and I have tried it with four different burners (Pioneer, LG,Sony,Lite-on)and they all worked with thiese tips. By the way, you won't have any problems with rewritable DVD's cause they are very high quality for rewriting so they work great all the time if you can get them on sale. As for using cheap media, I found out that no matter which burner you are using you need to rip and burn with the same device. Using a seperate DVD player to rip and then burning with another device is just asking for problems as the firmware may not be exactly compatible and you get data drop out errors from player to burner. So rip with the same device and burn with the same device, same firmware for both jobs.
    Next, try and us media that has very little writing or paint on top as this can cause the laser to flare when it is burning hence the second suggestion to take off the sides of your computer to let it get as cool as possible. Even low level lasers generate heat and the paint on top can gather the heat in spots and cause burnouts. Try to use clear tops or disks with very little paint and writing on them. This rule does not apply to expensive media like Verbatim etc but I cannot afford them at the rate I use them. I buy stacks of silver tops at $29.99 for 50 and lose maybe 4 or 5 in the whole pile but that is because of the next reason. You have to make sure the source DVD is spotless and as scratch free as possible. This s very important. Clean them and check for marks cause this causes data dropouts as well. I usually rent a movie just as it is coming out to avoid that and I always check the disk before I leave the store.
    Next.....forget about labelling your back ups. I know it looks cool and professional but trust me...it creates heat dams when you play them and the backups start skipping and freezing and once they start that they don't stop and are coasters. Just use a very thin permanent marker to put the name on and decorate the case instead. This is great for rewritables cause sometimes you get sick of a movie and you can just write over it and then add the new name to the DVD top,scratch the old title out and away you go.
    One more little tip to help.....use DVD Shrink and re-author and drop all the crap(subtitles,menus,previews etc.) out to avoid compressing too much. It's the movie you after in any case isn't it? Also, if the movie is really long split it into two disks using DVD Shrink so the movie is not compressed at all. It works for really long movies like Seven Sumaris and The Great Escape. Just use the splitting feature in Shrink and find a logical break in the movie to end the first part, back it up, burn it and then do the rest of the movie the same way. I know it can be a pain having to change a movie half way through but it's worth it to get a perfect working copy of a movie for your collection.
    Doing everything the way I have described seems to work with either the TS video format or ISO format.
    I have burned over 350 movies and they are all still woking and look great.
    I hope this helps and urge you to give it a try as I and about 10 people I know are burning this way and no complaints(except for scratched source disks) from anyone. Happy burning!!
  11. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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  12. roeod4

    roeod4 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Your media doesn't have to be expensive, just quality.
    Using crap media is fine for some and if you want to re-burn everything again in about a year or so I say go for it. However if you would like your copies to last for a very very long time, then try using good quality media, like Prodisc, Ritek, or Verbatim.

    I buy ProDisc for about $42 for a stack of 100 off the net and I never lose a single one. Plus mine will last me for quite a while.

    That would be piracy (Forum rule #5) if I am not mistaken. You need to read the rules of the forum my friend.

    Very true, it is best to use printable media and print right to the disc. Placing a label on a disc can also cause the glue from the label to eat the dye on your disc. Plus using printable media looks much more professional and my back up copies look just like the originals I own.
  13. Mamasita

    Mamasita Guest

    Yes, I am a Newbie. I've not written many messages, but I have been using this forum for some time now.
    I search it endlessly for helpful tips and advice - I find the guides invaluable.
    I've noticed that BLOONIGHT has posted this same message in a variety of threads - why do you do this? Do you have your entire 'story' saved in notepad then copy and paste everywhere?

    I originally came to this site for 'good, quality, concise advice and help, and found it'.
    When I first read Bloonights comments (which maybe fine for them) is not good sound advice. It threw me back weeks! I ended up trying to justify it in the guides and various threads etc. I personally have chosen not to take this advice (my perogative), I simply see it as opinion. Opinion to a newbie is worthless - we need facts.
    Anyway - ramble over, just needed to say something :p
    (AfterDawn Newbie who appreciates facts from AfterDawn!)
    p.s....laser flares!!! Are they the new fashion in jeans??

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