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MS-8609 VOX USB 2.0 Box and An AC Adaprer?

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by Nos482, Jun 12, 2004.

  1. Nos482

    Nos482 Member

    Jun 12, 2004
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    I'm getting this device at the end of the month and from what I've been reading it will function much better if one uses the "optional" AC Adapter, but nowhere at MSI do they mention what AC Adapter to use, or even the manual I had downloaded. I had tried a message on their forum and no replies yet. Does [bold]ANYONE[/bold] on here have any idea which AC Adapter to use, please? Thank you for your time.
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well if the Device needs an AC adapter wouldn"t it Come with one???
    There are AC/DC adapters you can buy that are Universal, They Come with Voltage Settings from 1.5v to 12v and come with something like a Dozzen different Adapters ends that should fit in all AC/DC Inputs .....

    If you have a PC as Opposed to a laptop then you should really stay away from USB capture devices as they are Notoriusly unreliable...They are Plagued with Rampant Audio/video Sync problems and because of the Limited Bandwidth of USB 2.0 devices (Compared to PCI)there are also Quality Issues ....
    If the device you get is a Hardware encoder then you will only be able to use it with the Software that comes with the device and the quality will not be that good as Consumer Lever hardware encoder Chips are not very good and you will be serverly limited in the Formats you will be able to capture to, and if it is not a Hardware encoder then you will be able to Capture to more Formats but the Quality won"t be very good because of the Limited Bandwidth on USB ports Compared to a PCI Port.....
    You can get a good 10Bit PCI TV Card for less money and it will produce much better quality because a PCI slot has a Much Higher Bandwidth than USB so more Video Information can be transfered to your PC plus you will be able to capture to Many more Formats...
    Many of the Problems Posted in this Forum are related to USB devices, Not saying that all USB devices are Crap but the Good ones Cost about $500 like the Canopus MpegPro....well good Luck
  3. Nos482

    Nos482 Member

    Jun 12, 2004
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    It will work without an AC adapter, but from what I had read many of its problems disappear when an external power source is used since it draws more power than provided by the USB bus on some systems. I have a Celeron 4 2.4GHz with a 400 Watt power supply. Do you think that that would be enough without an AC adapter?

    Also, again, from what I had read of this box it didn't have all of the problems that you mentioned otherwise.

    This is the Box in question.

    BTW, my system board (MSI as well) only has 3 PCI slots and two are taken up and the first one is, of course, blocked by the AGP video card.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2004
  4. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Yes I know what device you have and if you have a 400w PSU then you should have enough power...

    There have been quite a Few Posts about this device on this Forum and it is Plagued with the same problems that other USB devices are Plagued With...One Big problem I have heard from other Unhappy coustomers is this Device will not seem to work with other Programs accept for the "WinDVD Creator" software that comes with the Card and I know from personal experience that the Capture Quality comeing from WinDVD Creator is Pretty Bad because I also own that Program accept I own the Platinum edition...

    Read these Reviews From other UnHappy buyers of this Crap device.....


    On my quick searh on the Internet for info on this Device all I could Find were Negitive comments about this device......

    Like I said Before Consumer USB devices are total crap this one included, But I"m sure you will find out soon enough ,Just don"t throw away the receipt because you will be takeing it back for a refund....

  5. Nos482

    Nos482 Member

    Jun 12, 2004
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    Was that the MS-8609-10 or what I'm getting the MS-8609? I've seen a -40 and I think a -30 as well. Of course if I do have problems like you said I can always return it, plus it does come with a 3 year warantee. Plus the link given in the link you gave was for the PAL version, but that really shouldn't matter.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2004
  6. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I"m just trying to save you time and Trouble because I gaurantee you that you Will be takeing it Back for a Refund ..Well unless you have really Low standards..
    But hey it"s your Time and Money....
  7. Nos482

    Nos482 Member

    Jun 12, 2004
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    You're right, and I had decided not to get it last night after your reply. The only real reason why I had concidered this device is that I already have three MSI products in my system and they've all been working just fine (Motherboard, video card, and CD burner/DVD player.}

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