hello guys, i had to download an avi file for uni and put it on a dvd for a presentation. i did it and burnt it into a DVD, but when i went to play it on tv i saw that the movie was just a small rectangle on the telly. It might be because of the resolution, but i don't know how to change it and i have to have it done for tomorrow. I have virtual dub but i don't know how to change resolution, can anyone tell me how to do it?
basically.. to make it easier to answer to me.. what i can't find is teh resize filter in virtualdub.. i know it's pretty dumb but bare with a girl that knows nothing about this. And also, what size should i make it into? right now it's 320x240
1. Start VDub 2. Video --> Full Processing Mode 3. Video --> Filter --> Add --> Resize --> OK 4. Set the new dimensions and set the filter mode to precise bicubic or ome of the variants 5. Save the file