Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    i alreadt printed it out thx ill try.
  2. Unicron1

    Unicron1 Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Yeah, and like I told you on the OTHER message, I had the same problem and fixed it....

  3. bronx

    bronx Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    I did something very stupid. I wanted to softmod my xbox using this tutorial.
    1. I was able to unlock my xbox.
    2. I used xplorer360 to back up my Xbox Hdd. (Its about 7 gigs.)

    3. Now the stupidest thing I did was not follow instructions.
    I downloaded Shademand's Ready Made Xbox SoftMod.

    Since it was an image I renamed it to XboxBackup.bin and used Xplorer to restored drive.

    [bold](You can burn me I deserve it.)[/bold]

    Now since I f*cked up for now following instructions. Did I ruin the Xbox HDD or is there any way I can restore it. I tried to hotswap it again following the tutorial but I had no luck.

    Please point me in the right direction.

    Last edited: Jul 10, 2006
  4. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    thanx return and everyone else i fixed my friends box.
  5. emersed

    emersed Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    return, your tut was very easy to follow is there(that was as detailed as yours) or do you have a tut on how to install a new (bigger) xbox hdd. i’m still planning on using mine, just wanted to experiment a little or is it to risky for a newbie. such as frying the hdd or motherboard.thanks
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest


    I dont have the tut for upgrading hdd. But there is a way to do. YOu just need eeprom.bin, xboxhdm1.9, Shademand's Ready Made Xbox SoftMod, new big hdd. Then follow the xboxhdm's instruction.

    I have links on my page. Just follow the link in my sig and look for xboxhdm.

    Yes, you can use this method to softmod the xbox. But you did not copy C and E files of Shademand's softmod to partition 3 and 4 of xbox's hdd.

    Now what happened to the xbox's hdd? is it still locked or unlocked?
    what error code do you have now?
  7. Active03

    Active03 Member

    Jul 11, 2006
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    (Sry 4 my englisch)

    I have also a problem.
    I tried about 10 times, but xplorer360 and FatXexplorer didn't find my xbox hdd.

    I have both hdd on a ide cable, so my pc hdd on the primaire ide controler, and the xbox hdd on the second ide controler.
    I have boot the xbox, and pull out the ide cable when "micosoft"is comming on the screen. then i connect it to my pc, and continue booting.

    The boot takes about 10 times longer as normal (without he xbox hdd)

    I tried disconnecting the cable directly as microsoft in comming on the screen, but also wait a few sec. (from 1 to 4 secs)

    When i look by device manager, i see the xbox hd.

    i have no idea what that can be.

    greetz Tom
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2006
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    The way you connect xbox's hdd to pc is WRONG.

    PC's hdd is on Primary IDE cable.
    Xbox's hdd is on Secondary IDE cable.

    There are 2 IDE calbes on PC. So PC's hdd and Xbox's hdd are NOT on the same IDE cable.
  9. Active03

    Active03 Member

    Jul 11, 2006
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    I have that to.
    I used 2 cables for connecting the harddisks.

    I must quickly switch the ide-cable from xbox-hdd to the pc ide cable. How many time may take this?
    If i pull the cable out the xbox, and put it 3 secs later in the pc, is that to slow?

    I think that i did the rest corect.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2006
  10. trip2378

    trip2378 Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    Hi there, tryin to do hot swap and got an error 12 at the moment ( did have 16 but removed dvd ide) but not gettin microsoft logo under big x and xbox. will hot swap still work?

  11. DeerMtn

    DeerMtn Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Hi Guys, after much delay I finally took the plunge and hotswapped my son's Xbox... now I have it up on Exp360 and am not seeing the E: drive, aka part04, and everything on the C: drive, aka part03 looks intact? I know this is somewhere on this forum, but I don't have unlimited time to look :( so I hope ya'll take pity on this No0b and help me out... I don't want to softmod or anything, but I've gone this far so if I need to, well I guess I can tackle it... but I ordered a modchip; the XeniumGold and it was supposed to be solderless, now it shows that I have to solder the LCP to get to the actual modding...!?! so, I thought I would see if I could fix it the hotswap way first BEFORE I totally ruin the thing! lol
    Anyway, how do I get the E: drive partition back? do I have to format and if so, how?
    TIA, Virginia
  12. DeerMtn

    DeerMtn Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    ps... when I click on File/Drive/Open/Memcard... it also after a few seconds gives me an error of "Out of data while reading cluster chain map table" and an "ok" button... maybe the partition is acutally there, but there's something else going on?
    Thanks for help :) Virg
  13. DeerMtn

    DeerMtn Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    ok, so I thought maybe it was Exp360 so I downloaded the beta4 and now it also comes up with error, "No FATX partition found at requested offset." ?? it surely looks as if I lost the e partition... so I am sure I must format etc... help?!? TIA, Virginia
  14. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Usually within 4 tries, you should get it. I think you are fast enough.

    Something you should watch when do hotswap:
    - when you connect xbox's hdd to pc, pc still boots NORMALY like without xbox's hdd connected. IF PC take too much time to load up, then you have connections problem. And xplorer360 will not see xbox's hdd.
    - Make sure you disconnect the xbox's hdd AFTER you see microsoft logo shows up.

    So now what error code do you have?

    you can do hotswap with error 16. So connect the dvd drive back to xbox. When you do hotswap, make sure you disconnect IDE cable from xbox's hdd JUST BEFORE xbox goes to error 16.

    So before doing hotswap, turn xbox on and off couple of times. Watch closely when xbox goes to error 16. Now you know the time, then do hotswap.

    Did you successfully do hotswap? I mean you can see partition 3 on xplorer360 but you don't see partition 4. Is this right?

    Which error code do you have?

    For Xenium, follow the link in my sig. Then look for Xenium. I have a good link.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2006
  15. Active03

    Active03 Member

    Jul 11, 2006
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    Hi !!

    Thnx for you help.
    My Pc can't boot with the xbox hdd connected.
    He keep saying, insert boot device. Cables are good connected.

    So i used another pc, and there was no problem.

    Thnx again for this great tutorial.
  16. yaotl

    yaotl Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    thank you a thousand times, TheReturn! I screwed up my xbox but this tutorial did the trick. Now my wife won't kill me.

    I don't know if it really helped or not, but I was only able to successfully keep the hdd unlocked by putting in a game disc to buy some time removing the ide cable.
  17. oneo

    oneo Member

    Jun 28, 2005
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    You seem to know quite a bit about softmod and stuff.Can you tell me if I can use a 32 meg compact flash card as usb memory instead of a flash unit. I have a USB Sandisk card reader.
    thank you in advance Bob P
  18. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest



    What are you trying to do?
  19. rdnck115

    rdnck115 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    ok i have the problem where when i boot my computer i dont know when to press the pause/break key i tried at different times but itll either freeze or when i connect the xbox hdd itll keep restarting over and over again
  20. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    when turn on PC, hit the break/pause key while it's scanning the memory.

    After you connect xbox's hdd to PC, then continue boot up. IF PC restart, boot up very slow, or hang, then the way you connect xbox's hdd to pc is WRONG.

    PC's hdd is on Primary IDE cable.
    Xbox's hdd is on Secondary IDE cable.

    There are 2 IDE calbes on PC. So PC's hdd and Xbox's hdd are NOT on the same IDE cable.

    Something you should watch when do hotswap:
    - when you connect xbox's hdd to pc, pc still boots NORMALY like without xbox's hdd connected. IF PC take too much time to load up, then you have connections problem. And xplorer360 will not see xbox's hdd.
    - Make sure you disconnect the xbox's hdd AFTER you see microsoft logo shows up.

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