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ADVC50 Question

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by Videonewb, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. Videonewb

    Videonewb Member

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Sorry if someone has asked this, I did search the forums but dident find any info on this.

    I have ordered a ADVC50 but havent gotten it yet. But from what I can tell from the crappy documents this unit only come with an EXT firewire cable. But it looks like it has a connection for an internal cable. Does anyone have this unit? If so is the ext cable the only one it comes with? If so where did you/can I get an internal cable. I have looked at my local Fry's store, but have not come up with anything.

    So if anyone out there has this item please advise.

  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    This Device can be hooked up to your PC two different ways...You can use it as a external Device and Plug in into a PCI firewire card/port on the front or back of your PC...Or you can Put it in a Drive bay in your PC and then hook the Firewire Cable to the Internal firewire port on your PC...
    Many Firewire Cards have 2 or 3 Ports that you can access from the Back of the Case and some Firewire cards also have a port on the card that you access from inside the PC...The ADVC-50 Comes with a firewire cable but not with the firewire card, you can get a Firewire card with an internal Port for under $5 on ebay, I recently got one for $2.50 off ebay with 3 external ports and One internal port...It uses the same firewire cable for extrnal and Internal connectivity....Cheers

    PS: try to stay away from Firewire cards with a texas Instruments chipset...
  3. Videonewb

    Videonewb Member

    Jul 1, 2004
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    I got the ADCV50 and it does only come with a external cable. My MB has FW built in and I have an extra internal FW connection on the MB (header??). Also the ADVC50 has 2 other connectors (headers) on the board, but the documentation and the board have no info on these. I wanted to be able to take an internal cable right from my MB to the internal connection of the card. But I cant figure out if those connector will work or if Ill have to make my own cable to plug into the MB.

    Guess maybe Ill look on the Canapus boards for more info.
  4. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    The headers on your Motherboard are for hooking up a Front FW Port....You could also spend the $10 Max and get a FW Card that has a real internal FW Port like the one I have....

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