encode divx with"unlock-code"mechanism for viewing I am looking for a way to get video viewed by only a selected group of viewers. I make training video's. We still have no way to prevend people from making copy and view the video. I would like to have the following. when video available on cd: how to make viewer use unlock code to view divx video. So how to encode divx with a "unlock" mechanism for viewing? Thanks
Well it's pretty much impossible to keep people from copying stuff if they really want to. As far as an unlock code goes this is what I do. I use DVD lab to create 6 or 7 blank menus on one menu I put start movie. on the rest I put a set of buttons, each button numbered 1 through 9. The trick here is to link just one of the buttons to the following "keypad menu". By selecting the correct number as eash menu comes up, you will reach the start movie menu. If you select the wrong button on any of the keypad menus, you have to start over. I also put a time to force activate feature on each of the menus so if you stay to long you get sent to the beginning again. Fun stuff if you like to make people crazy.