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Over 300,000 forum messages

Discussion in 'Forum announcements' started by dRD, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Ok, it took just 2,5 months to get from 250,000 forum messages to 300,000 messages in our English forums (here's the post for 250k: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/82148)[/i], which means that we're now getting a decent 20,000 new messages each month to our English aD forums. Not bad :)

    As always, this figure excludes the messages in our Finnish and DVDXCopy forums. Finnish forums will hit the 100,000th msg barrier most likely on next week..

    Thanks guys!
  2. turkey

    turkey Regular member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    i was wondering if you collect stats for the specific forum sections? which forums consistute the most activity? the most popular?

    seems as of the last week or so there is a little less activity in the Digital Video Discussion section. a bunch of people have been left without any reply (myself included), and some have left comments about being discouraged at the lack of response. do you folks think all the regular members and addicts are out on summer vacation?? what do the numbers say??
  3. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    turkey, that happens all the time. Summer holidays, conferences, actually starting work ete. Don't let it get you down. You will notice some users will appear and then disappear. As this is free time thread and no one is paid you will get variation. Just be patient.

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