Okay, I'm definitly just starting to venture into the DVD backing up world, so I have a couple of questions that I HOPE haven't been already answered. :/ For reference ~ I'm using DVDshrink and Decrypter My computer is Dell 4600 P4 . 3GHz . 512 RAM . Samsung SD-616E . NEC 2510a . When I first installed my NEC drive, I set it up to be SLAVE to the (cable select) samsung (the way DELL installed it.) When I was ripping the DVDs, (with Samsung and Shrink) it went fairly quick (around 20 mins.) However when I went to burn the images with decrypter they would only burn at 1.5x MAX(using 4x RiTEK GO4s). So, after searching these WONDERFUL forums, I reconfigured my NEC 2510 to be MASTER and the Samsung to be SLAVE. This solved my Burning speed problem (getting a full 4x +) but slowed my ripping speed waaay down. Now it takes a solid hour and fifteen minutes to get everything done (if not longer) with shrink. I have tried both drives to see if the NEC will rip faster, but its about the same on both drives. I read that the NECs have rip protection or something that disallows them to rip DVDs faster than 2x. (maybe a firmware flash ?) But that should not effect the ripping speed of the samsung, should it ? OVERALL.. I would LOVE any help reguarding maximum performance from my "rig" Thanks soo much for any help you can provide PS ~ if any of this has been answered anywhere, I'm truly sorry, just link me please
Check to see what your ide settings are. Make sure they are DMA. Also(off topic) ... was it very hard to swap drives in your 4600? The reason why I ask is, my mom has a 2350 and I believe it's the same case. Anyhow, only one side comes off, the other side is sealed(no screws). So I figure to swap drives, I would have to remove the power supply, but still did not know how to acces the other side(without ripping it apart). Did I miss something?
Hey, Thanks for the reply.. My DMA settings are "correct." For both drives they are set to "DMA If Available," however, for the NEC drive, below that its current transfer rate is stuck with PIO Mode.. For the samsung though , its at ULTRA DMA Mode 2. Any ideas on switching from PIO to DMA ? ~~It was easy as pie to add a drive to this case. YES only the one side comes off, but you dont need the other one off anyway. you need to get the front off. There are 2 little clips in the back of the front plastic section (on the side that comes off). One on top, and one on bottom. The bottom clip is easy, just push it. The top clip comes undone by (assuming you have the same case.. ) pressing down on the metal clasp type trigger which in turn depresses the second clasp on the top of the back of the front.. I hope that.. kinda.. makes sense.. lol its hard to explain, just get the front off and then you just slide the drive in (or out) from the front. Thanks !! Matt
http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/storage/IDE-DMA.mspx For repeated DMA errors. Windows XP will turn off DMA mode for a device after encountering certain errors during data transfer operations. If more that six DMA transfer timeouts occur, Windows will turn off DMA and use only PIO mode on that device. In this case, the user cannot turn on DMA for this device. The only option for the user who wants to enable DMA mode is to uninstall and reinstall the device.
Right, I've read that also. I'm not sure how to uninstall my drive though . ((I'm new to XP too.. )) I'm used to having to wait for the "new hardware" icon to pop up, and have to load a driver for it. But now XP does everyhting for me. Thanks !! Matt PS ~ So if my MASTER NEC drive is running at PIO, that means that my SLAVE Samsung is also running at PIO, which means that could be the reason of the slow down right ? Thanks so much guys !
DiveNaked, If ya really wanted to be on the safe side, uninstall both drives, reboot and let XP re-install them. Then once they are re-installed check the ide settings ... make sure they are DMA and reboot one more time. To uninstall the drive. Control Panel --> System --> Hardware tab --> device manager --> DVD/CD-Roms --> right click the first drive and uninstall --> right click your second drive and uninstall ... reboot
Thanks for the help flip.. However it still didn't change the DMA setting I uninstalled both drives, rebooted, checked IDE settings for DMA, they were both still "DMA if avail." but the NEC was still stuck on PIO. Any other thoughts ? Thanks again Matt
Uninstall the IDE channel that is giving you problems and reboot so that it Windows can reinstall it.
DiveNaked, This worked for another member. Change the transfer mode from DMA to PIO and reboot. Then change it back from PIo back to DMA and reboot again. See if that works.
ARRRGH !! Thanks for all the help.. but its still clickin straight back to PIO mode I tried everything.. and still no dice. ANY other ideas ?? ~Thanks SO much ! Matt
try doing what Veblin suggested again. Then once it reads DMA, try updating your aspi layer. Then reboot and try to burn. ForceASPI 1.8 : http://forceaspi18.w.interia.pl/
Well.. another attempt.. and failure.. geeze.. this is getting crazy. I installed the ForceASPI, rebooted, checked the DMA settings again, and the NEC drive went straight back to PIO. ANY other ideas ?? Thanks a lot for the help so far though Matt **Small update ** Originally the DVDRW was below the DVD drive (DVDRW was drive 1 and DVD was drive 0.) I pulled both drives out, switched them.. so now DVDRW is drive 0 and DVD is 1. I rebooted, reinstalled, etc.. and the same thing is going on.. Drive 0 (drive in top bay, currently DVDRW) is set to DMA if avail, and is thus running Ultra DMA mode 2. Drive 1 however (bottom bay, currently DVD) is running DMA if avail at PIO. SO after a little research, I thought that maybe it could be the IDE cable ? Thoughts ?? **Another Update** Just ordered a new 80 wire 40 pin ide cord.. we'll see what happens when it gets here.. :-\ .. shes my last hope. lol Thanks a lot again ! Matt
Okay, I received the new cable, installed it, rebooted, and nothing changed. Uninstalled all the IDEs, tried again, nothing changed.. I did a little more research on the web, and found that I might have to change my BIOS manually during computer restart.. After making a few clicks and toggles of the BIOS setup.. I checked the DMA settings one final time. And to my pleasant suprise, both devices are currently running at ULTRA DMA Mode 2. So did the new 80 wire cable help ? Who knows, but the stock Dell cable WAS only 40 wire. So for anyone with the same speed issues out there MANUALLY check your computers setup BIOS Thanks so much for your support guys !
what exactly did you tinker with in the bios? i have the same dell 4600 and nec 2510a...the setup is the same and the dvd rom is still on pio