I use EO video to convert wmv file to vcd, but it offen error with notice:appname: eo. Exe appver: 1. 3. 6. 0 modname: unknown modver: 0. 0. 0. 0 offset: 08a1b0db pleasw help me to solve this problem. thanks. lpg. <NO ALLCAPS>
"eo video" is a full name of the apication. I also use winAvi video converter to convert wmv file, and having a same problem.Please help me. Thanks. lpg
Sorry never encountered EO personally yet. Have you tried using TMPGEnc? I use that and it works well
thank you for your advice.TMPGEnc is great. thank again. another things, but i don't know whether you can help me. 1.I can't down film online with subtitle.(i use getASFstream and Cocsoftstreamdown applicaiton). Have you got other application that are better? 2.I use Nero Burn to burn a film from my computer to cd with "make vcd" function of Nero. but i can't see it by vcd player at home. Please help me to clear it. thanks a lot. lpg