Has anyone had any experience hooking up there dvd recorder to a satilite box? I recently switched from cable to satilite and I don't seem to be getting any pictue unless I run it to the L3 hook up. The dvd I have is a Panasonic DMR-E85H if that means anything. Neither manual the dvd or satilite are of much help. Thanks for any feedback
I do not even have a DVD recorder yet so this may be of no help but thats what I'm intending to do so - have you checked what output you have your satellite box set to i.e .is it outputting an RGB signal and you are trying to record it via a port that only accepts composite signals for example? If that was the case you would need to either change your box to output composite or swap your box to a different input that accepted RGB (which would give you better quality pictures)
I have a Philiphs 605 DVR & a Sony DirectV tuner. I simply connect a S-video cable & analog RCA R/L audio cables from the Sony box to the Philiphs input. Then you simply tune the Philiphs to the coresponding input & you are set to go. Timer recordings are a 2 step process, since you need to set the timer on the Sony & then again on the Philiphs for the same time using the input channel.