Just a minute ago i finally finished installing the Duo-X modchip into my V1.0 xbox. I had trouble removing the solder that was already in the sockets, so instead soldered 11 (or however many were needed) wires into the specified holes, and then soldered the pinheader onto these wires in the correct positions. I double checked to make sure everything was correct.I then connected the chip to the pin header that was now attatched to the motherboard via some wires. I soldered a wire from chip to the UNDERSIDE d0 socket, and then the final wire to the BT solder point behind the eject button. Put my xbox back together, plugged it in and it boots the original xbox fine. When I try booting the chip, it turns on and off about 3 times, before it FRAG's on me. I've read that it could be a problem with the BIOS flashed into the chip, or just a bad chip. Is there anything you can suggest that might help me? I've double checked all my connections with a magnifying glass and they all seem fine to me. I bought the chip from www.cheapmod.net The only other thing I can think of is a problem with the chip itself. Any help much appreciated. Thanks
Why did you solder the wires to the LPC, then solder the pin header also to the LPC?? Sounds like you aren't getting ground to the chip.