Now This problem I know is the player, and I'm almost certain it came from my upgrade from 2.5.3 into 2.5.4, the videos are encoded with DivX 5.1, audio is 128kbit stereo, any1 have a clue why my video flickers? also I like using this player cuz it plays DivX videos best on my Machine, also note that my screen is starting 2 burn out so I use the settings to Brighten up the Video picture, so I don't wanna switch players, tho I may downgrade if thats the problem, also I just installed the lates DivX CodeC, but I was having problems with the video while using the exact same Computer an CodeC version that I used 2 Encode the video
There will be playback settings for your DivX codec. You can adjust the post-processing and double-buffering etc. to the maximum eye candy that your PC will bear. Perhaps the upgrade caused your settings to default? The DivX Player is also the only way to make sure your AVI plays back using the actual DivX codec, if FFDshow is installed in your system. This may or may not be a good thing, depending on your system. FFDShow claims to be easier on your CPU. DivX player will also play a 720x360 AVI that I have, at its proper size of 720x304, correcting it on-the-fly (DAMN, those X-Men look strangely tall & skinny...) LoL Regards
They should be on your menu, something like: Start > Programs > DivX > DivX Codec > Decoder Configuration Utility 'Double Buffering' and 'Smooth Playback' may help, if ticked. Post-proc can also be turned down until your playback is perfectly fluid and smooth. L8R