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MainConcept EVE - how is it?

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by amsp, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. amsp

    amsp Member

    Jan 16, 2003
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    i read that there was this new s/w out, how did you guys like it...i never found a report. last i saw was a prelim written in april by daba.

    i'm trying to find a reasonably inexpensive way to make my own collections of tv prgms. what i have now writes incompatible disks for my mom's player - it is a picky bugger.

    currently i have windvr 3.0 for capturing to mpeg. then mysonic and showbiz for editing (deleting commercials), authoring, and encoding (slow as molassas, 2+ seconds for every second of video, and reencodes every time - even if already encoded). these programs together make disks that won't play on mom's machine - they are fine in both of mine.

    so, is eve a good bet, or do i need to invest a little (or a lot) more by getting the pieces parts? secondary question, TMPGEnc DVD Source Creator do the same thing as the tmpgenc touted around here? source creator is bundled with dvd-lab, but i wasn't sure it did everything i needed.

    what programs create the most widely recognized dvd's?

    thanks in advance.

  2. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    What Minion's about to say.

    In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?"

    Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2004
  3. amsp

    amsp Member

    Jan 16, 2003
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    hi sophcles. thanks for the response. i'll clarify my current situation:

    i already have a capture device, the adaptec vide oh! usb version (all of the internals that i tried had really bad noise/ interferance problems). the s/w that came with is the sonic mydvd and showbiz. they make incompatible dvds for one of the set tops that i need my disks to work on. i know i can burn stuff that works on that machine with other s/w...ie, dvdxcopy xpress and shrink.

    my machine is an athlon 2k+ with 512 ram and about 160 gig of recording space. much of that (about half) is taken with my captures. so, i'd rather contine capturing in mpeg instead of avi because of the disk space. i'm running win 2k because i hate xp.

    according to mainconcept's site, http://www.mainconcept.com/evev2.shtml these are the system requirements:

    Operating systems: Windows XP, 2000, (98SE, Me)*
    Processor: Pentium 4 with 1 GHz or higher, 256 MB RAM, desktop resolution 1024x768 in 32-bit color (DirectX 9.0b® required), DVD/CD burner, OpenGL 1.2 for 3D Titler
    Current version: 2.0.48
    Price: $69 (download version)

    but it is impossible to tell the quality of the tool before you buy it. i have tried ulead stuff, but it crashes/stalls with the big files. as did video factory. so, it is either this product or piecing together all of the others that are recommended - which gets into a lot of cash for a hobby i don't know that i will totally love. any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I am one Person who Ownes allmost every Mainconcept Program because for the most Part I like MainConcept Software..(MainConcept Makes many more Programs for PC than it does for Mac)

    I was very dissapionted with EVE 2.0, it was one of the Buggiest Programs I have ever Tried..I complained about the Program so Much I got Banned from there Support Forum...

    If you use WinDVR 3.0 for Video capture then you would Just need a Good DVD authoring Program like "DVDLab" to make the DVD and you do not have to worry about DVDLab re-encodeing your Files because DVDLab doesn"t have a Built in encoder....
    If you have to edit your Captured Files then I suggest useing "Mpeg2VCR 3.14" as it is one of the Only good Lossless frame accurate Mpeg Editors arround and it will not re-encode your Files....

    So with WinDVR 3.0 and DVDLab and Mpeg2VCR 3.14 you can Capture to Mpeg Edit the Mpeg files and then author them to DVD and they should Play one any DVD Player that supports Burnable Media....

  5. amsp

    amsp Member

    Jan 16, 2003
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    ok, windvr records ".mpeg" files. many programs i found do not like that extension. they want ".mgp". are these actually different, or can i just rename my files?

    does dvd-lab take care of the burn for me, or do i need to use something like nero to burn?

    thanks for the response...sophocles, you deleted your post....thanks for keeping up on my thread.

  6. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I thought Minion's post seemed to be more informed and I didn't want my post to muddy the thread, and I'm prejudiced since I'm a CCE fan.
    But you're welcome

    In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?"

    Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2004
  7. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I"m a CCE Fan also as it is Probably the encoder I use 90% of the Time....

    WinDVR 3 recordes Mpeg files but they are the same as .mpg so you can rename them if your software likes the.mpg extention better...

    DVDLab will also Burn your Files to DVD after Compileing the Video_TS folder or you can if you wish use something like Nero to burn but it isn"t necessary....


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