Hi, I just got the xenium ice mod chip and i noticed that there are two wires ( black and blue). Im guessing that one of them is for the d0 point ( the thinnest one,blue), but im not sure. And i dont want ruin my xbox. Could someone please reply. I would really appreaciate. Thanks.
Hey man, yea, this post is, kinda, sorta old , when i opened my email and saw this post, i was like 'damn, this is old'. But yeah, i got the chip working about a year ago , it's an awesome, would recommend it to anyone, though it's a year old, the newer generation of chips are bound to appear sometime soon, or they have already hit the market. I dunno, been out of the scene for awhile now... Peace out....
Ya xenium is kickass and you said you did find out that the blue is for the d0 and the black is for a ground? just making sure, and i'm glad another person is statisfied as much as i am with xenium ICE and the new SP adaptor. Degalle
Yep, the blue wire is for the d0 point and black wire is for the ground. Just solder the black wire to the screw nearby and the d0 wire to the d0 point and your set!! That is if you have a xbox version 1.0-1.4.. Bottoms Up..and happy modding!!