When I first started running X COPY Platinum it would only take 20-30 minutes to read a DVD. Now it takes 2-3 hours. Anybody that can help? I HAVE RECENTLY FORMATTED MY HARD DRIVE AND DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING RUNNING.
Hello, I am having trouble using 321 studios dvd x copy express, and I am not sure if anyone would be willing to help or not but I hope so. It reads the entire disk, and then it says to put the blank dvd in and then I do that and it does not recognize the blank disk, I have burned this media before, before I reinstalled my system, also it seems like it is taking alot longer than before, I read somewhere about checking the IDE settings but I am not sure where to do that.. Thanks, Billiam
Go to Device manager> IDE ATAPI controllers> Check the 1st and secondary IDE controller. One at a time, please. This is how. Double click the 1st IDE controller, now under the advanced tab, be sure the transfer mode is at DMA if available. If not, change it to that. Do the same for the 2nd controller. Then reboot. Now check and see that it took by going back into Device Manager. If this doesnt change the transfer mode to DMA, then you will have to uninstall the IDE controllers. Right click the IDE controllers and left click uninstall. Also uninstall your burner using the same method, right click the burner and left click uninstall. You can do this for both. Then reboot. Xp will automatically reinstall them and this should fix the slow burn issue.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the ATA/ATAPI controllers, they are running in Ultra DMA mode. I still have the slow read time. Also I noticed my CPU usage at 100% Is that normal? Everything on my PC works flawlessly except yhe DVD X Copy. I have noticed the last 2-5 minutes of a back up freeze frames. Again, any information is welcomed. Thanks for the attempt. Still up a creek, Rob
What is the difference between PIO and DMA? I have successfully backed up multiple copies and now the problems persist. Also I was reading up on 321 Gone. Where would I place that file? I open it, run it, but I do not get a confirmation message that DVD BACKUP was removed. Any other suggestions? Please help!
You can just as easily do a search and find the difference between PIO and DMA. I didn't first think of this, but this is the culprit. ASPI layer is corrupted. Here is the link to the ASPI utility for WIN XP which also has the ASPI chk tool within it. http://adaptec.com/worldwide/suppor...em/Microsoft+Windows+XP&filekey=aspi_v471.exe Copy and paste these instructions to notepad and print them, since you'll have to reboot to complete the installation. In advance, I aplogize if my instructions seem elementary, not all are pc savvy. First click on the link above and download the file to the default location which will be the root of the local disk. Here is the path, depending on your drive letter, may be "c" or "d". If it is local disk d then replace the c with the d. C:\adaptec\aspi or D:\adaptec\aspi Now go to windows explorer, by right clicking the windows start button and left clicking explore. Look for the adaptec folder Double Click on the adaptec folder, and to the right, in the split window, you'll see the aspi folder, now double click it. Now you will see a multitude of files. Look for the "aspiinst" icon and double click it. Follow the instructions. DOnt worry that it doesn't mention anything about ASPI for WIN XP, its OK.. DONT WORRY it will work.. 4 SHO.. Once rebooted go back to the aspi folder and look for the "aspichk" icon, this is the ASPI check. Here are the instructions to get to the folder Double Click on the adaptec folder, you'll see the aspi folder, now double click it. At the bottom in very light letters you will either see ASPI is installed and fully operational, which is what you want or ASPI error or ASPI is not functional or.. you get the point. At any regard, you'll want the ASPI to be installed and fully operational. GOOD LUCK & hope this helps..... 321sucker
If you would rather install forceaspi v1.8 you can get it here: http://cgi.tripod.com/321ripforum/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl?board=321gen;action=display;num=1090752183 @daddyrob1, What version are you using?
I have XP, 2GB processor, ATI all-in-wonder, What is the difference between the two? It takes 2 hours to read and 1 hour to burn. It is quite an improvement. Thanks for the advice. Is there anyway to make it faster? This forum is the best!
Which two? PIO & DMA? DMA is a faster transfer rate. Is this after you switched to DMA? How much RAM do you have? Are you running any other programs while backing up?
Hello, I am working on this problem also, I am a novice so please accept my thanks and apologies if any of the questions that should be obvious. I go to device manager and I dont show the atapi controllers, I show the disk controllers and it shows the drives. my burner is checked for dma but it not for "sync data rtransfer. it is also checked for "disconnect". By the way my system... dell dimension 4100 1ghz,128mb, hp dvd writer 300n . just in case this is needed.. Also, when I insert a blank dvd in the drive itit does not recognize the dvd, normally you place a rom in and you will see like capacity and space avail. any help with that would be greatly appreciated.
I have always been on DMA. When I installed the ASPI (or corrected it) the process was almost cut in half. The first few times I ran DXD X Copy it took 20-30 minutes to read and 20 to burn, and now it takes 90-120 minutes to read and 60 to burn. I have formatted the hard drives and DO NOT have any other programs or processes running. I have a Dell Dimension 2350, 512 MB memory, 2 GHz celeron, 150 GB HD, ATI 7500 All-in-Wonder, XP home, DVD burner: MircoAdvantage 8 speed superdrive. Thanks for the detailed instructions 321sucker, the were quite helpful. Would the ForceASPI help or hurt? However I do not know how to install that version.
I've heard instances of force aspi not actually giving the aspi layer full functionality for ripping/burning with the Xcopy line. Thats why I always and only recommend the adaptec aspi.
I am running the adaptec aspi. It seemed to speed up my back up process. What are some of the average times using X Copy Xpress?
daddyrob, You are welcome Average time to rip/burn, according to your system specs, should be within 30-60 mins. depending on length of movie and whether the movie has css. Some burners are locked to rip, only at 2x. And some movies cant be ripped at 4x or at the higher speeds that a burner may allow. Answer me this, after you reformated, looking in device manager, are all of your motherboard drivers current. You could be using windows IDE drivers. Check the IDE controllers and make certain that they arent the generic/windows drivers. Oh, and BTW, that is an IDE burner you have,,correct?
Billiam, sorry, not ignoring you. In device manager, click on "view" and select "devices by type". Also select "show hidden devices" I'ts a shot in the dark, try unchecking "disconnect"
I am running IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers, Primary IDE channel and secondary IDE channel are both on DMA. I beleive they are the generic drivers because I have not added anything else. How would I go about getting an update? Thanks again for all of your help! I didn't know any of this even existed.
Take a look at the IDE driver, under the "ide/atapi controllers" within "Device manager". If you have a Intel setup. Stated their should be "Intel Controller" or something to that regard. If the Intel drivers aren't their try finding the motherboard drivers for your system. Those generic drivers most definately effect performance. [bold]Where to get a IDE Controller update?[/bold] You'll have to know your mainboard manufacturer, the mainboard model number and go to its website to download the drivers. Always good to keep a back up copy of the drivers.
I have an Intel(R) 82801DB Ultra ATA Storage Controller - 24CB I attempt to update the driver and the wizard states: "cannot find a better match" Sometimes it will read fast (20-30 minutes) and other times it takes 1 hour 48 minutes. I do not know the signifigance of the 108 minutes
Good to know thats not the issue. There are times when the disk is dirty or has mastering errors, can take longer than expected rip/burn time.