Other video questions
Don't find a forum to post your video questions to? Post them here.
Discussion on everything regarding Blu-ray video. This includes Blu-ray ripping, Blu-ray editing, Blu-ray authoring etc. So if you are looking to backup a Blu-ray movie or author one from scratch, this is the place to post your questions and answers.
- Discussions:
- 133
- Messages:
- 680
Latest: Guide discussion: Create AVCHD and Blu-ray Discs With MultiAVCHD MikeyC314, May 2, 2023 -
Digital camcorders
This forum is dedicated for digital camcorder discussions -- including miniDV and Digital8 formats. No DVD-R authoring questions, general VCD/SVCD questions, etc are allowed -- we have separate forums for those.
- Discussions:
- 1,821
- Messages:
- 8,272
Latest: My camcorder won’t read any sd card I put into it Sophocles, Feb 5, 2024 -
Video - Software discussion
Do you have problems using certain video tool? Do you know an excellent product that's not listed in AfterDawn.com. Feel free to post!
- Discussions:
- 5,254
- Messages:
- 22,904
Latest: How do I get 64-bit? Batchainpllr, Nov 14, 2024 -
Video capturing from analog sources
This forum is meant for discussions on how to capture TV shows, home movies from old Hi8 or VHS cassettes, etc.
- Discussions:
- 2,105
- Messages:
- 12,185
Latest: Connecting Canon EOS M50 Mark II to Blackmagic UltraStudio Express az0000000, Aug 30, 2023 -
DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum
This is an unofficial support forum for DVD-Rebuilder. Only questions directly related to DVD-Rebuilder and how to use it are allowed here.
- Discussions:
- 699
- Messages:
- 11,951
Latest: Error 75 - path/file access error brenna25, Apr 19, 2018 -
Nero discussion
This forum is meant to act as an unofficial support forum for Nero products, including Nero Burning ROM, Nero Recode, Nero Digital and other Nero products. Only topics specifically related to Nero products are allowed here!
- Discussions:
- 14,267
- Messages:
- 91,115
Copy DVD to DVDR
Here you can discuss about tools and methods that allow copying DVD movies (not data discs or console discs!) to blank DVDR discs.
- Discussions:
- 2,829
- Messages:
- 24,401
Latest: Help with copying a Health and Safety DVD that i own? Mez, Sep 17, 2014 -
Video to DVD
Discussion on how to convert your video files to DVD (in a way that any DVD player can play them).
- Discussions:
- 4,434
- Messages:
- 20,986
Latest: Avi to DVD scorpNZ, Dec 6, 2016
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