Sup, i'm new to the forums here, been makin XviD's for sum time now usin auto GK and DVD Decrypter, i recently upgraded my system. I had a questin to all those hardware people out there. I got a new Pentium D 830 Dual Core Proc, but can't seem to find out how to enable dual core mode in Win XP. I was hoping to be able to encode with one core and run games (such as HL2 or the such on the other core) but so far google didn't help. Anyone know how to enable Dual core mode in Win XP? any help or tips woruld be helpful thanks.
This isn't how-to, it's how to find out what's enabled or not. Start>Run>type "CMD">type "systeminfo" Under processor, you should she two to four listed, two cores and then hyperthreading. If you see two, it'll say hyperthreading enabled or disabled so you know. If Hyperthreading(Should be by default) or Dual Core(It should be, no matter what) is not running, restart and enter the BIOS to adjust the settings, very simple. If your BIOS doesn't list diabling a core or enabling one in the BIOS, the both cores run always by default and you mobo is comaptible with them. If they aren't running, and you built or upgraded yourself, then there could be a compatibility issue.