I have a BFG Tech nvidia 7950 512 mb Video Card and I just bought a New VGA fan. http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16835887008 I want to know if it is compatible with my card, it says 7900 series compatible, but I just want to make sure. And once that is done, I would like to over clock it. I have read some people using ATI Tool, but I am not very familiar with overclocking. I want to know how to test it, how much to overclock, and anything else you would like to suggest. I also have some artic silver 5 to use if needed. Thank you for your help.
Looks OK, attach it using Arctic silver V (Not forgetting to clean off the existing thermal compound) then let it run for a day or two before you start overclocking, for the Silver to set in. Once that's happened open Atitool. It's really simple, run the 'max core test' and at a certain point the PC may crash, make a not of what setting that happened at, then choose the one below that for your overclock. Then run the 'max memory test', and observe the 3D animation. As soon as you start to see graphical errors, such as yellow spots appearing all over it, stop the test, then pick the setting below. That works for me.
OK cool, now give it a couple of days and then you can start to overclock it. I will however warn you that pre-overclocked cards like BFG don't overclock very much further.
Thanks, and one more thing, kinda off topic, should I use omega drivers instead of just the regular nvidia ones?