please help me. i have my own gpu's bios for replacement if it can be replaced in case of error. i'm just not sure what bios to use. its an x800 gto agp by sapphire, with an r480 core. i herd i can use x850xt bios to unlock the pipes. my fuses are the right ones, anything else i need to know?
Well it wasn't obvious to me what you meant in your post. As for the BIOS replacement, there shouldn't be anything else to it, other than to follow the install procedure.
and thats is why i made this thread. i need help with that procedure and knowing exactly how to do it. i dont want to mess things up, and i hope my friends as aD can help.
Does your PC have a floppy drive? They usually seem to be done via a floppy disk (a little stone age, isn't it?) and then booting from the floppy will overwrite the BIOS.