Hi All. This is not my problem but my brother in laws who lives out in the middle of nowhere and does not have direct internet access. Paul has a Toshiba Tecra M2 laptop and was using a usb scandisk flash drive to store some info on when the computer went down. When he tried to restart the comp it asked for his os. Paul got his XP setup disks but when he tries to re-install he gets a error message PXE61 media test failure check cable and PXE-MOF error. Can anyone please advise by 1 letting me know what causes these errors and 2 any suggestions on how to fix the errors. I know its a bit of cheak as as a third party but thanks for reading this post. Jim.S.
Ok umm.. I believe PXE is a network boot when you dont have an OS installed on the computer. I encountered this problem on a laptop, and found that removing the hard drive and making sure the connection was correct that it eliminated the problem. If that does not work .. it could be something to do with the actual motherboard .. just taking a wild swing.