hello, i'm new here and i have a few questions. i recently bought a nokia 6555 from ebay and it says it's locked to AT&T, now i read all the threads about the problems with unlocking BB5 phones. i saw one thread that says there is a BB5BOX and i went to the homepage, it doesn't say anything about the nokia 6555, i also read at another forum about the so called - "turbo-sim" does it really works for nokia 6555? is it possible to buy it and activate it myself? my problem is as follows: i bought the phone in ebay, i knew it was locked to AT&T, i didn't know only AT&T can open it. now, i live in Israel and have no contact with AT&T, what can i do now, in order to use my phone, and not dicard it as a freakin' $200 plastic paper weight! thank you all, sorry if i didn't act as the forum rules indicate in any way.
Well, you can google for the information. There are mail in services you can try. I believe the "Turbo" works on the 6500 but that is all I can tell you. You will need to ask the sellers on EBay. J