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Seth Rogen developing movie about the Nintendo vs Sega console wars of yesteryear

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 Feb 2014 12:59 User comments (6)

Seth Rogen developing movie about the Nintendo vs Sega console wars of yesteryear

It appears that Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg will be writing and directing a new film about the Nintendo vs. Sega console wars from the 90s.
The movie, called "Console Wars," will be based on the new book of the same name. Nintendo and Sega had a highly publicized fight as the latter company was releasing its Genesis/Mega Drive to compete with Nintendo.

Goldberg and Rogen previously directed hits like Superbad and Knocked Up, so the film will certainly have comedic aspects to it.

Additionally, Scott Rudin will help with the development, after working on critical hits 'Moneyball' and 'The Social Network."

The book is set for release in May, so any film will likely be towards end of the year if not next year.

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6 user comments

126.2.2014 19:19

Seth Rogen's movies SUCK!!!!!!!!!

Superbad was outstanding and crude, precisely why I loved it but everything else he does is run-of-the-mill or just plain dumb.

This stupid idea of a flick will certainly be no different.

Now THIS is a good reason to pirate the movie when it arrives for home....the crap Hollywood puts out sometimes is trash. This is one of those times.

226.2.2014 22:55

so says the king of you have no other reason for living than trolling this site?how many posts have you made to help someone with computer problems?one has to question both your sanity and your credentials.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 26 Feb 2014 @ 10:56

326.2.2014 23:40

I am willing to give this movie a chance, as I was in my young adult years during the console wars. Let's see how they will bring this story to the big screen before chastizing it.

428.2.2014 12:42

I will definately watch this one.
Although I was always an Intellivision fanboy. I still play it sometimes.

528.2.2014 12:45

Originally posted by rtm27:
I am willing to give this movie a chance, as I was in my young adult years during the console wars. Let's see how they will bring this story to the big screen before chastizing it.
Agreed. Seth Rogen has entertained me multiple times :) I look forward to this :D I suspect it may be similar to Fanboys. I thoroughly enjoyed that movie. Though I suppose his role in that one, was small. But every time I saw his face, I more than snickered LOL!

61.3.2014 09:32

I am actually looking forward to this! I could not stomach Superbad (was so bored with it I turned it off after 10 minutes) and tolerated Knocked Up, but I'm hoping the subject matter in this case will hold my interest longer. My first console was a Pong game my parents bought at Kmart for me, so I've lived through the entire golden age of video games, and I remember the Sega/Big N feud well. I hope and pray they do the subject justice.

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