1. i bought xp when it was first released around 4 years ago and i never had a problem then i lost my disk and when i had to reformat mu harddrive i bought a new disk, this was a year ago and i have been having weird problems ever since. it took me forever to install my vid card(radeon 7500) because it kept crashing my systam because of some conflict with the driver or something, and i nevr had a problem with running several windows at once and little stuff like that. maybe there is something about sp2 that has causing me trouble? 2. when i run the defrag and the chkdsk om my hd is say that nothing is wrong but when i use this other defrag program that i have it say that there are disk surface errors. should i just get a new drive
1. Problem might be your vid card driver. You should download latest drivers from via site. 2. if your HD is under warranty you should change it for a new one.
marcus, not via site but ati site jaydubva, go to the hd manufacturer & download & run their diagnostic program to see if hd is really good or bad