1080p HDMI Cables?

Discussion in 'HDTV discussion' started by samshizze, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. samshizze

    samshizze Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Kinda new to HD, but im curious if all or most HDMI cables support 1080p. Not that I am able to get that resolution yet, but I dont want to spend money on a cable, end up getting a better tv in the future, and have to buy a different cable cause my current one doesnt support 1080p.

  2. capu57

    capu57 Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Hi there I install TV's every day and get this question allot and I have simply answer and HDMI cable is and HDMI cable. You might notice some cables say HDMI 1.3 compatible well they are all HDMI 1.3 compatible. That free HDMI you get with some satellite dishes is the same cable you get when you but that $300 cable. The only difference is the more expensive cables gets you a thicker gauge wire which is only useful when you need a long HDMI cable like 20 feet or more but anything less and it will do the same thing. It is an ALL DIGITAL Connection so it either will or won't work. This only applies to cable used for digital connections. An analog connection is different so for those who tell you I am full of it, they either didn’t read what I said or don't really know what they are talking about and are probably just pissed they drop a bundle on cables.

    P.S. HDMI 1.3 only applies to the equipment not the cable.
  3. samshizze

    samshizze Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Thanks thats kind of what i figured. Paying $100 for a cable is pretty rediculous in my opinion. Hopefully i can get a nice one for $15 or so.
  4. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Actually most expensive cables have the exact same AWG as the cheap one. They are just have more filler (possibly more shielding).

  5. Playr

    Playr Regular member

    Jan 19, 2007
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    And the more expensive cables have gold plated connectors to help fight corrosion/oxidation. There are a few online vendors who sell very good quality cables at a very reasonable price.
  6. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Gold plating the tips of cables doesn't cost that much and is over rated (as it doesn't nothing for the performance of a system). Gold plating can actually damage your equipment if not cleaned regularly. The dissimilar metals cause this kind of gooy-rust to form (know as "galvanic corrosion") which can be bad if not kept in check.

  7. Latin124

    Latin124 Guest

    Here is a link to cheap good quality cables.http://www.monoprice.com/home/index.asp
    monoPrice.com - best quality products at the lowest price

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