I have some .avi movies that I want to put on dvd. The only problem is that some of the movies run for slightly longer than 120 mins (which is max for the dvd disks}. Is it possible to get the 120+ min films onto single 120 min dvd disks rather than having to split the .avi files in half then burning two (just over) half full dvd's? This is a bit of a hassle and almost a waste of a whole dvd each time. Thanks
Are you trying to make a dvd compliant disk or just putting the avi on a data dvd? If you are making a dvd compliant disk then ajust the bitrate in what ever encoding program you are using. If you are going to keep it as an avi then use a video codec and compress until it fits. I usually never look at the min. that a dvd-+r says because it all depends on the compression you use and what you want for quality.
It's dvd compliant disks im trying to make. So the 120 min limit on the dvd's is irrelevant? Why does it even exist then?
I'm having the same problem with this and I'm new at all this DVD burning. I want to make a dvd complient disk. What are some good encoding programs that I can use to lower the bitrate to fit it on a 120 min disk? I'm using WinDVD program, if anyone knows how that one works instead. Any help would be appreciated.
Marketing and feel-good reasons. In reality, full-quality video and audio will give you half the stated capacity i.e. 60 minutes. You can get about 90 mins while maintaining good quality. Beyond that, "120 minute" 4.7 Gb DVDs cannot take that much video and audio and maintain "movie" quality. Of course, the quality can't get better than your source, which is why some people do get 120 minutes or more onto a 4.7 Gb disc.