16X DVD-ROM preforms very slow ripping?

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by samari, Nov 29, 2002.

  1. samari

    samari Guest

    My EPO 16X DVD-ROM rips slowly at 2X. I purchased this drive in a hope to decrease my ripping time. Looking at CDSpeed200.com (http://www.cdspeed2000.com/go.php3?link=dvdresults.php3) list, none of the 16X DVD is THAT slow in its transfer rate, the slowest is around 11X.

    Any ideas in helping me resolve this issue?

  2. jkdaniels

    jkdaniels Member

    Dec 4, 2002
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    I have found the same thing on about 4 DVD-ROM drives I've tested. I have not found an older DVD-ROM to test with yet. The CDSpeed200 checks the data read speed which is different than ripping speed. Here is a link I here that explains why rip speed is so slow. http://cd-rw.org/news/archive/3537.cfm

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