Is this common? I used DVDShrink and the encoding to 24 hrs. Any suggestions? Do I need to make adustments? Thanks!
hi looksfuzz Check the IDE channels in device manager. Be sure that data is transfered using DMA not PIO. Check the primary and secondary channels. 24 hours to encode is just crazy: good luck and welcome to the forum jim
This is some serious time good on you as you must have some patience.Take jim_dandy advise as it never took this long even in the old days to convert dvd to vcd before the age of the dvd writer. 10 out of 10 for effort though John179
jim_dandy/john 179: Thank you both for your responses. After your posts, I've checked Device Manager and found that my secondary Channel was in fact set "PIO". I will give a test and follow up with the results. Many thanks, looksfuzzy