To copy absolutely 1:1 a DVD-9 to 2x DVD-5: is it best to use +R or -R? My burner can do both (LG DVDRAM GSA-4157B). Quality matters. And Software? DVDXGold or DVDXPlatinum? Or ist there another better S/W around? The copy process is either from DVD classical Music, expensive Music videos like Operas and special performances (tht's why I need copies to save the orig.), as well as from S-Video tapes, capturing via the Hauppauge 350. I heard or read somewhere, that a video filter must be in between the output of the VCR video and the video-in of the Hauppauge 350. If yes, which one (please state type and purpose). Thanks nopfusch
You should use -R if you don't want to re-record it, and if you want better quality, -R is better. I havn't tried either of those softwares, but if you can rip it using DVD Shrink and burn it with DVD Decrypter, it should be just fine. You should use DVD Decrypter to burn it, but if you have another ripping software to rip it, that would work, too. (DVD Decrypter can rip it). If this doesn't help, try this tutorial:
You could also use dvd-rb (DVD re-builder) to re-encode the entire video and re-compress it onto a dvd-5. You will be able to fit up to twice as much with no visable loss of quality. (You could use dvd sgrink as well but DVD shrink does not hav e a high quality compression like DVD-rb). Either way you should be able to compress the video down to fir on a dvd-5.
Hi! DVD Decrypter is fine, but imo DVD Fab decryter is better because they update it it and to my knowledge DVD Decrypter doesn't. As encrytions get harder you need better software and DVD Fab decrypter stays up to date. I use Taiyo Yuden 8x -R and it works great. Use good media no matter which you use DVD+R or DVD-R. Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim is your best bet and can be found at great prices,at DVD Fab Decrypter, DVD Shrink and Nero to burn is a good combination. Good Luck.