Is it ok for a system to have two burners and both be on DMA mode? My computer came with a DVDrom/CDburner drive and i recently installed a 16xDVD burner, but to my suprise i cant get them both to be in DMA mode. Whichever drive i put as the "slave drive" ends up being stuck to PIO mode. I contacted dell support and what they told me was: "Your drive is set to pio mode." "That is the setting for the secondary channel." "Normally, on secondary channels on ide devices, the transfer mode is PIO." "You will not be able to change from PIO mode on the secondary drive." "It is not recommended to have more than one burning drive in a computer." "That is because it is the slave drive. You will not be able to change from PIO. It is the way the system read the drives in order to avoid conflicts." is that so? i tried turning off my master drive and i still couldnt change my slave drive to DMA (as to make sure two drives arent conflicting). If anyone has two burners on their system and have its set in the slave/master mode, Do you have both on DMA mode? Im on XP btw. thanks for looking
I have a Dell 4400, and 2 burners, a Sony DRU-510A and a Sony DRU-800, both set to DMA, the 800 is set as master, the 510A is slave, however, I have previously set them both as cable select without any problems, never had any conflicts or issues, I hope that this helps.
I run 2 DVDR burners in my PC so i know they are wrong on that part .I use A sony dw-30 for read only because it makes bad copys ( LEGOS ) I use a Pioneer DVDR-111D to burn the sony is set to Master the pioneer set to Slave . Update your Drivers for both burners .
I had the same problem, tried absolutely everything, then somewhere on the forums I found this link, worked for me, friggin Dell!
[bold]Ethereal1[/bold] hey thanks for the response. Can you tell me what exactly is on that link? I went there and all i get is the drivers and downloads page and im given two options of either "use a service tag" or "select a product". what do i need to download. can you give me a link to the form where you found this link. thanks
Sorry, must've been the wrong link... This one should work... Just install and run the program and you should be ok! (note: running it won't actually bring up a program, it should just fix the problem)
Another note, you may wanna put a shortcut to the file on your desktop, just noticed mine reverted to PIO again, thinking it was because I restarted... Yet again, friggin dell!
oh i already have this program and it doesnt really work for me. It does change it from PIO to DMA on the screen, but when i tested the speed i still get PIO speed. Plus it changes back to PIO once you turn off your computer. I dont think its the solution. Thanks for you help anyways.
Your best bet is what LOCOENG and blivetNC suggested. I also have two DVD burners and are set to cable select.
i started out with the setting as cable select and the problems still remained. I switched to master/slave to try to fix it, but it didnt help any. so im just sticking with it with hopes of finding a solution
i started out with the setting as cable select and the problems still remained. I switched to master/slave to try to fix it, but it didnt help any. so im just sticking with it with hopes of finding a solution
Have you tried uninstalling them from your device manager. Shut down. Set one as master, the other one as slave? or cable select?? drivers are good??
i already tried unistalling the drivers and rebooting, but it just keeps staying on PIO. i think the drivers are up to date. not really sure where to find the drivers cause all i get are firmware updates and i dont really want to flash my drives cause ive had bad results from previous flashes. i'm just stuck and frustrated. btw i have samsung combo drive #: TS-H492C and samsung dvdr #: SH-S162L. incase anyone can locate drivers for either one. thanks