I have a 120gb seagate which is my boot disk, a 40gb maxtor that I use for scratch/temp/pagefile (both 7200rpm). They are one primary ide cable. 120gb: master; 40gb: slave. DVD+RW (hp300i) is master on secondary. I want to get a DVD-ROM drive for copying in one-step instead of 2. Should I move the drives around? I've seen suggestions with the dvd-rom as master and dvd+rw slave, on different cables. Suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,
Hey, Primary IDE use the 120GB drive as master and on that cable use the DVD/RW drive as slave Secondary IDE use the 40GB drive as master and the other DVD-ROM as the slave. if the cables dont like this configuration (ex: TOO DANG SHORT >.< ) swap the master / slave on each IDE channel meaning use the DVD-ROM's as the master and the HD's as the slaves, I have used them this way and works fine. make sure to set the jumper properly ...