Need help guys, i'm trying to encode a 24 fps file with TMPGenc, but, evrytime i attempt it (with 23.976 fps setting and 25 fps setting) i get an error and it says it has to close TMPGenc. I get the following error message when i have a look at the error report being sent to microsoft: C:/DOCUME~1/Stewart/LOCALS~1/WER155.tmp.dir00/appcompat.txt The error signature is this: Appname:tmpgenc.exe Appver: 2.510.49.157 ModName:mp43dmod.dll Modver: offset: 00005c57 Appreciate any answers. Cheers.
Your error seems to have to do with a problem with the Mpeg-4 codec accessing or reading your AVI file..This can be caused from a Number of things But usually to the AVI file being corrupted in some way... You might try Loading it into Virtual-Dub and scanning the File for errors..... When useing Tmpgenc to encode an AVI file you MUST Allways encode the AVI file useing the Same Frame rate, So if your AVI file has a Frame Rate of 29.976fps you Must encode it to Mpeg useing the Same Frame Rate because Tmpgenc does not do Proper Frame Rate Conversions...