256 MB ATI RADEON 9550 8X

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by bojan087, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. bojan087

    bojan087 Regular member

    Jul 3, 2005
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  2. techguy26

    techguy26 Regular member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    well lets see the nvidia counterpart would be the fx5700, and in test the 9500 pro actually beat it although being extremely overclocked you may get 30 to 40 fps. but in games like far cry and doom 3 expect closer to 20 25 fps. hopefully you don't play alot of games. you also should try to play at a resolution of 800x600 if you can. did you buy the card? I seen the auction was already over, if you didn't I would save up a little bit more to get a 6600gt for a 140.00. also I think a 6200 at 50.00 would out perform this card.
  3. bojan087

    bojan087 Regular member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    yyea i was looking at this card a little bit more, and noticed that it wouldnt fit into my motherboard, which im trying to change along with my cpu. im on my way on getting a new board from scratch, i have about 300$ and i found a mobo for 115$ and i may be getting an intel 2.4ghz or so depending on which comes closest to my budget at this store near by me. or would it be cheaper on getting a mobo online for that price. sorry i cant say which motherboard it is, all i know that its an intel pentium 4, i didnt really have the time on looking more at it, because i was in a hurry, but it was the most expensive one, lol, or would anyone be able to find me one for about that price range with a cpu that would go along with it, my needs would be that it would be playable with command conquer generals and battle field vietnam, along with browing the net, and of course word for school and all. thanx again
  4. techguy26

    techguy26 Regular member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    here's a nice [ton of great reviews] motherboard for a socket 478 pentium 4 45.50

    your prescott pentium 4 2.4 ghz 127.00

    heres you a 256mb 9600 pro for 80.00 should be able to hang with all the games out for now on medium settings as you don't game much.

    edit. actually I take that back after reading the 32 reviews at newegg on this card it seems no one is having problems getting this to run everything just great. even one reviewer claimed it to be the best card under a 100 dollars! so it's a great card at the price, if you dont want a 6600gt that is.

    thats 252.50
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2005
  5. bojan087

    bojan087 Regular member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    thanx techguy, im really looking forward to this, so the 2.4ghz should be a problem with the mobo, everything seems to be looking good, i have to go somewhere now, but later on tonight i'll look at it more clearly, and i have another question, i should be able to transfer my existing hard drive with no problem right, and what is the power supply needed this the mobo? required i mean thanx again
  6. techguy26

    techguy26 Regular member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    yea everything will work perfect together, your current hardrive also will be no problem. just attach reformat and install os, power supply should be ok if it's atleast 350 watt and has a 20 pin connector [most all do]. you should be great! also we are here to help you out with any problems you may have!
  7. bojan087

    bojan087 Regular member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    im not finding it but is there a audio card already installed in this mobo, or do i have to get a seperate one, i think i need to buy one seperatly
  8. techguy26

    techguy26 Regular member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    it has integrated sound! 6.1 I believe.

    edit yes it is 6 channel integrated sound.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2005
  9. bojan087

    bojan087 Regular member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    hey techguy can u explain what this "Linux" thing is, because as from what i read a lil bit ago its like some kind of operating system if im correct, but like if u know ur self can u give me a breith explanation of it. thanxs
  10. techguy26

    techguy26 Regular member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    linux is an alternative to windows and developers. it is an open source operating system that is usually free and is great for programmers and the like that don't like to be tied down to windows. most programs and games are written for windows and therefore will not run on linux. I do know this is a brief and somewhat limited explanation but I have no experiance with linux at all.
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    linux-an open-source version of the UNIX operating system
    UNIX: A Practical Definition
    There's no such thing as UNIX. I realize this is a strange statement to make at the beginning of a book purporting to be about "UNIX System Security." UNIX has been around for a long time -- over 30 years as of this writing. During these decades, it has been metamorphosed millions of times, if not billions of times, by many thousands of individuals and companies implementing thousands of variants or "flavors," and by millions of system administrators installing it on everything from tiny embedded devices to supercomputers. Arguably, no two instances of the UNIX operating system are exactly the same.

    Some of the drift in the meaning of UNIX is due to legal quandaries; some of it is the result of various commercial "UNIX wars" that have been waged over the years; some of it results from battles of wit and mind, with superior but unorthodox technologies winning over inferior authorized ones.

    Given the polymorphous essence of UNIX, I'll start with a few different ways of looking at it and then shed some additional light by reviewing UNIX history. Here are several working definitions of UNIX:

    Legal -- While there may be no such thing as "UNIX," the term is a trademark owned by the Open Group, an international consortium that demands the mark receive proper attribution.1 Repeat after me: "UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group." You'll sometimes see AT&T, Bell Labs, Novell, or X/Open Company Ltd. listed as the trademark holders -- it's been passed off time and again. Arguably, the mark has been diluted to the point of meaninglessness. Nonetheless, the Open Group promulgates "The Single UNIX® Specification" which can be viewed at http://www.UNIX-systems.org/online.html
    Technical -- According to the UNIX FAQ, UNIX is "an operating system typically written in C, with a hierarchical file system and integration of file and device I/O, whose system call interface includes services such as fork() and pipe() , and whose user interface includes tools such as cc , troff , grep , awk , and a choice of shell."2 I might add that UNIX provides a consistent approach to multitasking, with built-in operations for the creation, synchronization, and termination of processes. It is intrinsically portable between different kinds of computers.
    Linguistic -- The name "Unix" was intended as a pun on the name Multics and was written "Unics" at first, for UNiplexed Information and Computing System. Both "Unix" and "UNIX" are in wide use today. At one point, Dennis Ritchie tried to promulgate the lower-case version, since "UNIX" isn't an acronym. In deference to the trademark, this text uses "UNIX."
    Social -- Many people who run UNIX-like systems such as Linux think they're running UNIX. Official UNIX systems and unofficial UNIX systems are commonly treated as belonging to a single category -- in books, in media coverage, on the net, and by general social consensus.
  12. techguy26

    techguy26 Regular member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    thank you ddp for the more educated response!
  13. bojan087

    bojan087 Regular member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    lol thanx again ddp, but that text was a little to much than my brain could handle, maybe when i get a much better hold of all the computer parts and all than i'll give it another try but until than it'll just be a mystery to me, what techguy told me made more sence lol, i guess its only for advanced users only huh
  14. hardlock6

    hardlock6 Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    I have this card and I run everything (BF2,Doom3,BIA,Halo,URT2033,etc..) on high settings. Mildly OC'd. I recommend for the budget minded.

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