3 Coasters so far with Fatal Frame 2 Director's Cut

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by insaneiam, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    I'm trying to backup Fatal Frame 2 Director's Cut, but have so far ended up with 3 bad burns, on 2 different types of media (1 Verbatim, 2 Ritek). I have successfully burned to both (1 each, actually) in the past. Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong:

    1. Put original in Xbox
    2. WS_FTP Pro and rip directly from disc to PC (also ripped to Xbox HDD first, but that didn't burn well either)
    3. Ran GDFImage x:\ff2 x:\ff2.iso
    4. Burned with DVD Decrypter
    5. Put backup into Xbox, and EvoX says Unknown for disc

    Incidently, it plays off the HDD fine, so I know it wasn't a bad original disc or anything like that.

    Any suggestions? Do some games need patches? If so, where to get them? I read that older bios may need patches, but I have a fairly new chip (Xecuter 3) with quite new drivers, as I just installed everything in January.

    Thanks! Oh, I am going to now try to backup my Halo 2 to see if that works, to verify if it's something I'm doing wrong or something specific to Fatal Frame 2.
  2. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Sorry to double-post, but I'm really frustrated now. Halo 2 burned to the DVD fine (despite that it appeared to be too big, but I received no errors in DVD Decrypter). And when I insert the disc in Evox, it says that it is a Game disc. I click to play, and the Evox loading screen starts, but then returns to the Evox Dash. Same thing happens with the Halo2 backup in at bootup. So I guess that now I have TWO problems! Any help would be great!!!!!!
  3. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Halo 2 is a little bit over the DVD-R size, I don't know how you managed to burn it and that's weird.

    Instead of GDFImage (I never heard of this prog), why don't you use Craxtion4 or Qwix to convert the folder? Give either one of those tools a try, it should work.
  4. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    I'm trying Craxtion4 right now. I'm typing this as I re-try burning. My next question is: Do you just patch every ISO that you create, or is this bad if the xbe's don't need it?

    As a test, I copied my Halo 1 disc and that worked fine, so I now know that it's nothing I did wrong (I also feared that something happened when I upgraded my DVD Decrypter). Now I'm gonna try my Halo 2 again, this time with the patched ISO.
  5. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    I used Craxtion4 on Fatal Frame and it worked. Thanks!

    Now, how do I use Craxtion to alter the Halo 2 files to fit onto DVD-R? You're right, creating the ISO in Craxtion makes it too big. I tried to patch the files, then GnuGDFimage to create the ISO again (Craxtion made it too large), but this method didn't work again, even with the patched files. It is weird ... the ISO is smaller with GnuGDFimage, I guess that's why it burns.
  6. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Just delete these files, works if you have NTSC version of Halo 2:

    - dashupdate.xbe
    - update.xbe
    - downloader.xbe
  7. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    btw, just tried and it worked great! thanks a ton!

    so, one last question ... is there any way to know which files can be safely deleted on any given game that is too big???
  8. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

  9. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    thanks for the links! well, only the first worked when I tried, but it contains good stuff. However, I'm confused ... what is an ACL and what does it do? the first link talks about how to do it, but doesn't say WHY to do it.
  10. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    ACL stands for Action Control List, basically it's a patch file that will enable you to play a game off the HDD/DVD-R otherwise you get the Dirty Disc Error.

  11. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    have you had problems with this Dirty Disc Error? I have not, so I'm wondering if this is necessary.
  12. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Yes there are a few games that need patching (Fight Club, Paintball Tournament, 007 Everything or NOthing, etc..)

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