i burned two videos over the last two days on nero 7.0, with lastest firmware for my dvd+rw drive, using memorex+rw disks. both videos were two hours long and fit into the disks. it took me 3 1/2 hours to fully burn them!!! it took 3 hours and 10 min to transcode and make menus and it took 20 min to burn them on the disk. im not sure but i dont think it should take me longer to burn vids than to download them. i have 256 MB of RAM and a 60 GB harddrive i think that might be the problem but im not sure. also whats the best LABEL MAKER for disks i hate NEROs. thanks in advanced.
Your ram is a tad low.Most people who burn dvds have at least 512 and then some people like me run over 1 gig.You dont mention the chipset of your pc and if its not very high all these types of factors will result in a slow encoding process. Did you do the deep analysis as that does the encoding in a couple of passes to improve the quality? Have you not been paying attention: memorex dvds are really not the best media to burn to, try changing the media to say ritek/ty's/. You might consider skipping the labels (paper) and get a printer that prints straight to printable discs or a light scribe dvd burner that etches to the top of the disc.The finish is rather nicer than labels
Lotus You also want to check your DMA settings - you might be reading in PIO mode - which is extremely slow. This is how you can check your DMA settings: START Control Panel Performance & Maintenance System Hardware tab (click on) Device Manager Click IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers CLICK ON EACH PRIMARY and EACH SECONDARY IDE CHANNELS and follow these next instructions for each channel: Advanced Settings (check yo see if you are operating in DMA mode) If you see any that say PIO mode - CHANGE TO DMA Then press "OK"