what am i doing wrong that on mech assalt or splinter cell i dont have a "run linux" option????? please help im really confused and every time i read cashes tutorial it makes it sound so easy.... but then!!!! no linux option????
I said it once I'll say it again. 'Softmoding' IS NOT FOR nOObS'! If your lookin for something simple, cheap & what actually works? GET A MODCHIP! You don't like to Solder? Fine most if not all Chips sold for the XBOX™ Today have some kind of Solderless Adapter addon. And unlike a 'Softmod' a Modchip is solid as Rock!!!
yup but i found out what was wrong... it was the wrong file. but now i have another problem..... it says call customer service. what can i do to fix it? it lats me access the modded dashboard,play games and got to the original dashbord but i cant get online
Perhaps.. I'm a nOOb! I gave 'Softmoding' a try back when I first got my XBOX™ back in the spring of 2003. And it was a sh*tload of work to get it working. (it didn't help any that I had to crack the Box open to Hotswap the HDD in an attempt to be a cheapskate on the Memory Cartridge either. In short I had the Phonex BIOS Loader on my XBOX™ for about a week before it crashed. Not being able to use DVD Backups was also a bitch as I never meant to go on and get a bigger HDD. What happend was I coudn't use DVD Backups and had next to no HDD space As it happend the very first Game I had (and have), is Dead Or Alive Xteame Beach Vollyball I orderd DOA3 with my XBOX™ but it came the following week. So I used the last 2.5Gb on the Stock Drive to backup and run the original Nude hack on that. got board with that and ened up killing the entire thing in a Hotswaping action. So I ended up with the X-Bit Modchip and a 160Gb HDD and have been happy ever since. Allthough I do need to get a new Drive (and Xtenter casemod soon though). But, Unless you have a very VERY good idea on what your doing and can prevent someone (anyone), from inserting a DVD with an XBOX™ .xbe File on it (oh like the StarWars Boxset for ex.). then your golden. If not whatch your Softmod go 'Byebye!'... As it overwites a new Dashboard and XBOX Live!™ Controls to your XBOX™.
@ipeepee Wow...all of that and nobody even attmepted to help ipeepee with the other issue. If you have a way to turn off your softmod, YES, you can access xbox live. Be careful though, people have still had their account band by this method so to fix it, you'd need an unbanned EEPROM. The other way it could be done is by hotswapping your hdd for another.