If the 'Charging' Icon is up, (or the battery life indicator in the top-right corner signifies that it's charging), then it is charging. Otherwise, it isn't.
The 60gb model takes 4 hours, and the 30gb takes three. But they are just guidelines. It also has to be considered that a 2 hour 'fast charge' restores 80% of the full battery life within two hours..
I don't really understand what you mean. Just wait until your battery dies/won't charge before you consider getting it replaced.
I guess what they mean by that is that they'll test it and if the performance level is only at 50% of what it should be, then they'll replace it for you
do you listen to your music really loud?, do u use a backlight frequently,? do you use an equalizer? do you listen to it in the cold? these are all factors for battery life smaan
No, you dont need to delete your songs, no usealy when you get your battery replaced Apple replace the battery and case so you have a new case that isnt scratched and a new battery! Be sure you have all your music in iTunes because somethimes like 60% of the time Apple will just give you a new iPod! ~Domreis
If an iPod has a fault with the battery, they [bold]won't[/bold] replace the whole unit, they'll just put a new battery in.
I dont know about in the UK, but here in the states when your battery dies they give you a new unit, and if they dont give you a new unit they replace the battery and the case! ~Domreis