well the remake of the Omen came out today I wounder how it went. So was anyone scared to Leave you house today,DId something happen to you today and Blame it on the date Please share, The news must have been slow because they were talking about this. You would not believe How many people said this was going to be an Evil day. So what happened to you anything?
Nothing!!! iam still alive and well like anyother day that i have lived in the last 48 years lol!!! dont belive all the hype in numbers and dates
The devil came by to my house and told me he was taking the day off since this is once in a life time thing. He handed me his pitchfork and his power and told me to use the power wisely (he had an evil grin). He then ramble on telling me that he was heading to Hawaii and then walked away. So looks like I will be torturing people today. Other then that nothing happened so far.
Did he have Bermuda shorts on? I thought it was him, every step he took melted the pavement. But it could just have been a tourist with athletes foot.
You know what he did have Bermuda shorts on. But what strikes this devil person kind of weird was that he had a a tattoo of Charles Manson face that read underneath, "My hero", a swastika insignia, the following text that read Jesus SuX hairy balls, why can't people respect me. Not only that, he was one ugly and very tan (beat red mind you) dude. Maybe I could've mistaken him as a neo Nazi, Jesus hater, a Charles Manson fan, southern redneck who happened to be overly sensitive about himself. Whatever he was, he was one weird dude. And the pitchfork he gave me was a cheap plastic toy that came from some dollar store and the power he gave me was just sand he gotten from some beach. LOL.
Man that's ugly. Unfortunately, he didn't come close to looking like that. I guess the person I encountered wasn't who they claim to be. I guess it was some crazy off the streets. :-o
lol, good stuff Man if my girl friend were pregnant I would induce labor for today and you know what I would name him. Well I will watch the news at the end of the day and inform everyone as to what happened around here,
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is a fear found in the Western Christian world, which originates in the belief that the Biblical verse, Revelation 13:18, indicates that the number 666 is linked to Satan or the Anti-Christ. Outside the Christian faith, the phobia has been further popularized as a leitmotif in various horror films. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobes avoid things related to the number 666, such as a building in which the number is prominently displayed. Rarer is trying to avoid the number as it relates to other numbers. For example, the fraction two-thirds has a repeating decimal of .666. (Note that in base 12, two-thirds is 0.8, and 0.666 is the fraction 6/11.) A severe hexakosioihexekontahexaphobic may avoid this as well as 5/3, 8/3, 11/3, etc. People with this phobia consider it bad luck to get 3 sixes in a hand of poker, even though this is usually quite a good hand. It is important to note the fear is largely an artifact of folk Christianity. In contrast, the majority of Christian intellectuals and mainstream theologians believe that the number was simply a reference to a Roman emperor who persecuted Christians. The Caesar generally deemed to fit that role is Domitian, although some prefer the better-known, but less likely Nero. Either way, these thinkers postulate that Christians used the number as a code to reference his name or that that Caesar himself may have favored that number for numerological reasons. In some numerologies, a triple six could symbolize a trinity of unfaithfulness, bitterness, and vengeance, while in others it could as easily symbolize harmony, beauty, and charm. And there was given to [the second beast with two horns like a lamb and the voice of a dragon] to give breath to the image of the [first] beast, that the image of the beast might even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is [666] six hundred and sixty-six.-
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. If I can't pronounce it, it doesn't concern me. Anyway, heaven doesn't want me and hells afraid I'll take over. I'm safe.
GrandpaBW ye got a long wait for the next 6-6-2006 to get laid again.. i think its 6-6-3006 and ye biggest jump will be in the year,6-6-6666, i bet ye can not wait...for that date..
i read that people were betting on weather the woprld would end today. the odds were 100,000-1 in favor of the earth. if a person bet the max $500 bet, and the world survives, then they win one half of a penny. if a person bets $100 and the world ends, they win ten million dollars. but personally i dont think the devil would let somebody would collect the money. "Mr. Devil sir, can i go get my winnings?" "No, you wimpering little F!@K, you are doomed to eternal damnation witout your money. mwhahahaha!!!!"
I didn't see anything special about the date. After all its 2006, not 06. I remember reading about the crowd that gathered in Rome for the end of the world in 999. When the world didn't end the pope blessed them and sent them home. I guess that Y2K bug wasn't so bad after all, since there was hundreds of years of dark ages after Y1K so it could have been a lot worse. I thought it was much more interesting last April 5th, when a little after 1 AM it was 1:23 4/5/6. My wife is Buddhist and their calendar predates the Gregorian one by 543 years. According to it, the year is 2549. I know Thailand still uses that as their official calendar, and I believe Laos and Cambodia as well.
actually the date that the world as we know it is supposed to end according to the mayan calender is december 22 2012. that is when their calender ends, read here for more info http://www.halexandria.org/dward415.htm and actually that site in general is very interesting.
Sorry folks, the world really ended back when Cindy Crawford married Richard "The Gerbilman" Gere. We're just cycling thru the re-runs right now.
Hey guys!It's the seventh and i am not dead! No apocolypse happned.....OOHHH.....LOL......Well i got sick though don't know if that was apart of it or not..... WEll i think i should wait till the next Omen
Does anyone remember the offset from the Gregorian Calendar to the Julian Calendar? if we are going by the ancient text wouldn't this mean that we should also be using the ancient calendar as well? (looking to keep stirring the pot for those who think the world is going to end at a specific time and date.)