I understand that Nero allows you to somehow compress an 700 MB+ .avi file (as a data cd). My question is, is there any drawbacks to this? Does the image quality get reduced? or does the .avi get shorter lengthwise? Thanks
Maybe you got confused. An AVI file is just a file. If it is larger than 702 MB you cannot burn it on a 80 min CD (except overbutning, of course). In the README1ST we talk about DISC IMAGES (.ISO, .BIN, .IMG, .NRG etc) that are strange kind of files that look bigger than they are. Your case do not belong to one of those about mentioned. It is just a big file. Split the file into two parts with a proper application or lower its quality. Or you might (ha! ha! ha!) burn it on a DVD...
Neromania, maybe you got confused about size of file too ? I mean that, if you download on kazaa a file that is listed as "715 283 KB" you can still burn it on a 700 MB cd-r. Basically, 1 MB = 1024 KB, so your "715 283 KB" (that a beginner will think is "715 MB") is in fact only 715283 / 1024 = 698.5 MB.
Neromania yes you can there will be no draw backs 4 crying out loud i burnt vampire hunter d:bloodlust 717mb and it worked ok until i put it back in the burner and try to finalize it and messed it up and now my drive cant read the cd and i did it on 56K well that isnt the point is it nero u can just dont put it back in the burner and start play around with it.