Is there a way to put 8 different video clips into 1 big video movie? if so how would I go by doing that? What kinds of programs do it? Thank!
Please do not use CAPS LOCK... Is it .avi file? Use Virtualdub(MOD) to join them. Is it .mpeg? Use TMPGEnc.
O, im sorry about the CAP LOCK thing. I didnt know that was restricted. But the files are in .avi format.
Well then, download VirtualDubMOD and open all your avi files into it in the right order. Now, save that file as one big avi file! That's a very simple overview Btw ^^
yes, listen to ripper, he honestly does no everything, he`s the greatest on afterdawn, !!!! i think ripper should be chosen as a mod !
I keep getting this when i try to throw the AVI file into the converter [!] Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'XVID' (unknown). VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable. Only 'Direct stream copy' is available for this video.
There's a freebie download in Afterdawn software section called : G-Spot [it'll tell you if you have the right codec(s) installed on your machine]. If you need to encode said 8 video clips into one project you can use VSO's ConvertXtoDVD & just add them all in there .. no need to join first ;-) Have fun
I can't explain this but I had the Kazza Lite codec for years and never had a problem playing xvid. However, both Virtualdub and CCE gave me the no xvid error and wouldn't open. G Spot showed the correct xvid codec installed. Uninstalling the Kazza Lite codec and installing this fixed all xvid errors. Strange:
I think thats because K-Lite Codec pack give you only xvid codec to decoding video file... and not to encode it like XviD codec. Now you can compress (and decompress) video in the XviD format... Not just watch them.
That was just it, I had encoded hundreds of xvid to DVD as well as playing them. I tested many programs and encoders and all I had problems with were CCE and Virtualdub.