I would just like some input by all you knowledgable AfterDawners. Yesterday my 9800GT 512MB video card started to output distorted/fuzzy screens. I know it is the video card at fault because when I changed the card for another everything went back to normal. And when I installed the 9800GT in another system it caused the same artifacts on that system. Here are the photos (please let me know if you have any trouble viewing them because I'm new to flickr.com so not sure how to share them with the public): http://www.flickr.com/photos/52894520@N06/with/4878917356/ Notice how "Fuzzy Screen_2" which is supposed to be a simple post boot black screen with basic DOS-like writing seems to be the worstly distorted? Has anyone encountered these sorts of artifacts? Is it an easy fix? My idea of an easy fix was to replace it with a HD5770 which I've done but it would be great if I could salvage it so that I can upgrade an older system which currently has a crappy 8400GS. So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
It's alright folks! Found the answer at [H]ardForum. Here's the link for anyone who comes across the same problem: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1421792&highlight=bake And the f'ed up thing is it actually worked for me: Here's my thread over at hardforum.com: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1538550 Problem Solved!