A company with NEW EGG on their face!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by espiritu, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. espiritu

    espiritu Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    order placed on Dec 12th

    12/17/2008 08:00:00 IN-TRANSIT SCAN CALGARY, AB, CA
    12/17/2008 07:53:00 ARRIVAL SCAN CALGARY, AB, CA
    12/17/2008 06:27:00 DEPARTURE SCAN SIOUX FALLS, SD, US
    12/17/2008 06:00:00 LATE AIRPLANE[X] SIOUX FALLS, SD, US
    12/17/2008 05:42:00 ARRIVAL SCAN SIOUX FALLS, SD, US
    12/17/2008 04:39:00 DEPARTURE SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/17/2008 00:01:00 LOCATION SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/16/2008 23:54:00 LOCATION SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/16/2008 23:47:00 UNLOAD SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/16/2008 14:45:00 ARRIVAL SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/16/2008 08:10:00 DEPARTURE SCAN ONTARIO, CA, US
    12/16/2008 02:05:00 ORIGIN SCAN ONTARIO, CA, US
    12/15/2008 20:57:20 BILLING INFORMATION RECEIVED[M]

    $40 in shipping for and $11 item

    Copy Print Exit
    10:02:52 AM Russ
    Initial Question/Comment: Service
    10:02:57 AM System
    Jeremy has joined this session!
    10:02:57 AM System
    Connected with Jeremy
    10:02:57 AM System
    Hello my name is Jeremy. How may I help you today?
    10:03:09 AM Russ
    i have a question regarding my order
    10:03:42 AM Russ
    we paid for expedited air shipping and we still havent received the product
    10:04:01 AM Russ
    it shipped several days after it was ordered and then it took a route through the US
    10:04:26 AM Russ
    12/17/2008 08:00:00 IN-TRANSIT SCAN CALGARY, AB, CA
    12/17/2008 07:53:00 ARRIVAL SCAN CALGARY, AB, CA
    12/17/2008 06:27:00 DEPARTURE SCAN SIOUX FALLS, SD, US
    12/17/2008 06:00:00 LATE AIRPLANE[X] SIOUX FALLS, SD, US
    12/17/2008 05:42:00 ARRIVAL SCAN SIOUX FALLS, SD, US
    12/17/2008 04:39:00 DEPARTURE SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/17/2008 00:01:00 LOCATION SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/16/2008 23:54:00 LOCATION SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/16/2008 23:47:00 UNLOAD SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/16/2008 14:45:00 ARRIVAL SCAN LOUISVILLE, KY, US
    12/16/2008 08:10:00 DEPARTURE SCAN[I] ONTARIO, CA, US
    12/16/2008 02:05:00 ORIGIN SCAN[I] ONTARIO, CA, US
    12/15/2008 20:57:20 BILLING INFORMATION RECEIVED[M]
    10:04:26 AM Jeremy
    Let me look into this for you. One moment please . . .
    10:05:27 AM Jeremy
    The UPS expedite shipping to Canada takes 4-9 business days.
    10:06:25 AM Russ
    that is unacceptable
    10:06:39 AM Russ
    i didnt order this from newegg.com
    10:06:48 AM Russ
    i ordered it from newegg.ca
    10:07:37 AM Jeremy
    Please kindly note that currently we only have warehouses in U.S. and all items are shipped from U.S. to Canada.
    10:08:08 AM Russ
    does it indicate that anywhere in the order screen?
    10:09:32 AM Jeremy
    We are sorry for the convenience, there should be any indication on the shipping method selection screen.
    10:11:12 AM Russ
    unfortunately there is a link at the bottom for a popup that must be clicked to see the shipping procedures(most reputable online retailers have the eta information on the line where you select the shipping method)
    10:12:34 AM Russ
    so i paid over $40 to have an $11 item shipped air and it still takes 4-9 days
    10:13:04 AM Russ
    not very impressive for my first purchase from a company that is trying to start out in canada
    10:13:40 AM Jeremy
    According to the UPS website, they suffered adverse weather condition in Calgary.
    10:14:05 AM Jeremy
    I'm sorry, I will refund $10.00 to you for courtesy.
    10:14:51 AM Russ
    there is no indicating of a weather delay in the tracking
    10:15:22 AM Russ
    it never even left south dakota until this morning
    10:16:17 AM Russ
    i would appreciate a credit to reduce the amount to at least the regular shipping price
    10:16:40 AM Russ
    as standard delivery is 5-10 days
    10:16:41 AM Jeremy
    I'm sorry, the shipping cost is determined by UPS solely.
    10:17:03 AM Russ
    and i am receiving my product in that window
    10:17:35 AM Jeremy
    As I know, the standard shipping is 5-10 days and expedite is 4-9 days.
    10:19:50 AM Jeremy
    I will issue $10.00 credit to you and that's all I can help you right now. Once the order has been shipped, UPS is responsible to deliver it in a timely fashion.
    10:20:10 AM Russ
    i would like a customer service supervisor to contact me to resolve this issue
    10:20:55 AM Jeremy
    OK, just a second please.
    10:23:00 AM System
    Eveline has joined this session!
    10:23:15 AM System
    Jeremy has left this session!
    10:23:15 AM System
    The session has ended!
    Session ID: 137350

    Copy Print Exit
    10:24:10 AM Russ
    Initial Question/Comment: Service
    10:24:40 AM System
    A Customer Service Representative will be with you in a moment.
    10:24:45 AM System
    Serena has joined this session!
    10:24:45 AM System
    Connected with Serena
    10:24:45 AM System
    Hello my name is Serena. How may I help you today?
    10:25:05 AM Russ
    i was online with jeremy and eveline and when jeremy left the session ended
    10:25:40 AM Serena
    We apologize he should have some problem with the PC.
    10:25:50 AM Serena
    I will take care of you.
    10:26:17 AM Russ
    i need to speak with a customer service supervisor/manager
    10:27:05 AM Serena
    May I please ask what the problem is? Maybe I can help you with that.
    10:27:50 AM Russ

    “Previous transcript inserted here for next agent”

    10:29:40 AM Serena
    Thanks for the information. I am reading that, would you please hold on for a while?
    10:30:00 AM Russ
    10:32:55 AM Serena
    Thanks for holding. We apologize again for the unfavorable circumstance. If you need, I will transfer this chat to a supervisor.
    10:33:03 AM Russ
    thank you
    10:33:35 AM Serena
    Anytime. One moment please...
    10:34:36 AM System
    You are being transferred to another Agent. Please stand by...
    10:34:36 AM System
    Serena has left this session!
    10:34:41 AM System
    Alma has joined this session!
    10:34:41 AM System
    Connected with Alma
    10:35:41 AM Russ
    10:35:46 AM System
    You are being transferred to another Agent. Please stand by...
    10:35:46 AM System
    Alma has left this session!
    10:35:51 AM System
    Lex has joined this session!
    10:35:51 AM System
    Connected with Lex
    10:36:07 AM Russ
    10:36:36 AM Lex
    Hi Russ, this is Serena's supervisor, how may I assist you with?
    10:37:17 AM Russ
    i requested to speak with a supervisor in order to resolve an issue i was discussing with a previous re before being disconnected
    10:37:32 AM Russ
    i will paste the transcript

    “Previous transcript inserted here for next agent”

    10:41:31 AM Lex
    Just a moment please..
    10:41:40 AM Russ
    10:42:16 AM Lex
    You are welcome.
    10:45:11 AM Lex
    Well, UPS Expedited does take up to 9 business days for shipping.
    10:45:36 AM Russ
    yes but the issue is that the details are not obvious
    10:46:20 AM Russ
    its unacceptable to pay $40 for expedited air and then receive a product in the same time that standard ground would have taken to arrive
    10:46:35 AM Russ
    especially on an $11 product
    10:46:56 AM System
    Your agent has been disconnected from the system, you are now being transferred to your original queue. Please stand by...
    10:46:56 AM System
    Lex has left this session!
    10:47:06 AM System
    Ivan has joined this session!
    10:47:06 AM System
    Connected with Ivan
    10:48:11 AM Russ
    10:48:36 AM Ivan
    Hi. How may I assist you today?
    10:48:52 AM Russ
    can you reconnect me with Lex?
    10:49:04 AM Russ
    he was disconnected due to a system error
    10:50:16 AM Ivan
    No problem. Please allow me just one moment to make sure he's available.
    10:50:24 AM Russ
    10:51:26 AM Ivan
    Ok. I will be transferring you to Lex shortly.
    10:51:32 AM Russ
    10:51:36 AM System
    You are being transferred to another Agent. Please stand by...
    10:51:36 AM System
    Ivan has left this session!
    10:54:11 AM System
    Viola has joined this session!
    10:54:12 AM System
    Connected with Viola
    10:55:11 AM System
    You are being transferred to another Agent. Please stand by...
    10:55:12 AM System
    Viola has left this session!
    10:55:21 AM System
    Ashley has joined this session!
    10:55:22 AM System
    Connected with Ashley
    10:55:32 AM Ashley
    Good morning and sorry for the long wait.
    10:55:38 AM Russ
    no problem
    10:56:31 AM Russ
    i was actually told i was being transferred to a supervisor named Lex...i was online with him until he got disconnected
    10:56:52 AM Ashley
    You wanted to speak with Lex correct?
    10:56:57 AM Ashley
    Ok, no problem Smile./
    10:59:42 AM Ashley
    Thank you for your patience. At this time Lex is having system errors and the chats aren't able to be transferred to him. At this time I can see if someone else is available for you.
    11:00:32 AM Russ
    11:00:35 AM Russ
    thank you
    11:04:02 AM Ashley
    Thanks for waiting. I'm actually still looking into this . . . one more moment please.
    11:07:23 AM Russ
    11:08:57 AM Ashley
    Thank you for your patience. At this time I was able to get my supervisor Latia available for you. Have a great day!
    11:09:02 AM System
    You are being transferred to another Agent. Please stand by...
    11:09:02 AM System
    Ashley has left this session!
    11:09:07 AM System
    Latia has joined this session!
    11:09:07 AM System
    Connected with Latia
    11:09:22 AM Latia
    Hello, my name is LaTia.
    11:09:27 AM Latia
    How can I assist you today?
    11:10:01 AM Russ
    i requested a supervisor to assist me in resolving an issue and Lex was helping me but he is having system problems
    11:10:12 AM Russ
    are you a supervisor?
    11:10:27 AM Latia
    Yes I am.
    11:10:32 AM Latia
    How can I assist you?
    11:10:57 AM Russ
    i will paste the transcript of my original conversation
    11:11:22 AM Latia
    I have the conversation.
    11:11:27 AM Latia
    This is not needed.
    11:11:32 AM Latia
    I am aware of the issue.
    11:11:38 AM Russ
    ok thanks
    11:11:52 AM Latia
    I was assisting Ashley, as well as Lex.
    11:12:02 AM Latia
    How can I assist you with this matter today?
    11:12:17 AM Russ
    i would like a credit for the shipping on the order
    11:13:13 AM Latia
    We do apologize, however this order is not late.
    11:13:22 AM Russ
    that is not the issue
    11:14:15 AM Russ
    the issue is that the terms were not obvious, and the extra fee for shipping was paid for "expedited shipping" as it is we are receiving the product in the same time fram as standard would have provided
    11:14:32 AM Russ
    it was an $11 item that we required urgently
    11:14:38 AM Latia
    As stated, you paid for UPS expedited which is 4-9 business days. You package was assigned a tracking number on 12/14/08, however it was shipped on 12/15/08. Four to nine business days from this date is between 12/19/08- 12/26/08.
    11:14:46 AM Russ
    we paid $40 for Air shipping
    11:14:57 AM Russ
    i didnt pay UPS anything
    11:15:03 AM Latia
    You paid for a specific time frame.
    11:15:09 AM Russ
    the charge on our credit card will be to newegg
    11:15:09 AM Latia
    This item is not late.
    11:15:26 AM Russ
    the service from newegg is unsatisfactory
    11:15:27 AM Latia
    As stated, this package delivery is not late.
    11:15:38 AM Latia
    We do apologize you feel this way.
    11:16:56 AM Russ
    unfortunatley if i do not receive a credit for the shipping i will be forced to dispute the charge with our credit card company, as well i will be blogging this conversation as an example of the abysmal customer service we canadians can expect from a new US company
    11:17:23 AM Russ
    it has taken well over an hour to reach a supervisor
    11:19:03 AM Latia
    We do apologize, however we are not wrong in this situation. You paid for UPS Expedited service which is 4-9 business days and the item will be delivered within this time frame paid for. There is nothing we can do at this time regarding the shipping charge. You have every right to dispute the charge. However, your account will be blocked and the charge will be on your credit if the item is delivered. This is up to you.
    11:19:13 AM Latia
    Do you have any other questions, or is there anything else I can assist you with today?
    11:19:32 AM Russ
    the terms of the shipping were obfuscated by a link at the bottom of the page
    11:19:43 AM Latia
    11:19:50 AM Russ
    the standard is 5-10 days and ecpedited is 4-9 days
    11:20:01 AM Latia
    This is the link to the policy and agreement you have to agree to before checking out.
    11:20:16 AM Russ
    it seems as though newegg feels that we can be duped by substandard service
    11:20:23 AM Latia
    It is up to you as a customer to make sure you read this information.
    11:20:45 AM Russ
    i will be sure to advertise neweggs policies and service to all
    11:20:53 AM Latia
    Because we are shipping from the US, we have to allow such time for the item to go through customs.
    11:21:03 AM Latia
    This is ok to do so.
    11:21:08 AM Russ
    i'm sure you will understand soon that taking care of me would have been more cost effective
    11:21:20 AM Latia
    We provide it for our customers convenience.
    11:21:24 AM Latia
    We do apologize.
    11:21:25 AM Latia
    Do you have any other questions, or is there anything else I can assist you with today?
    11:21:26 AM Russ
    i would also like to speak to your manager
    11:22:20 AM Latia
    She is not available at this time.
    11:22:25 AM Latia
    I am the supervisor in charge.
    11:22:40 AM Russ
    i would like her name and contact information so i can register a complaint
    11:23:05 AM Latia
    You can reach her at Isabel.A.Guzman@newegg.com
    11:23:20 AM Latia
    Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
    11:26:19 AM Latia
    I've noticed that you have been idle for 3 minutes; would you still like to continue this chat or have I answered all of your questions?
    11:26:26 AM Russ
    if you are unable to resolve this in a way that demonstrates you care about your customers then i have nothing further
    11:26:46 AM Latia
    We do apologize you feel we have not assisted you.

    Session ID: 137757[/I][/I]
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    This is a Monty python script, right?

    Apart from that, being Canadian myself, I never buy anything that will be shipped UPS from the USA - it is simply begging for a hosing..If a company cannot ship US Postal Service to Canada I make other arrangements.
  3. espiritu

    espiritu Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    received a call from customer service in response to a second email sent linking to the various forums i have posted to.
    Was assured that full credit will be given for the expedited shipping and feedback will be directed to appropriate parties regarding the way the shipping info is displayed.

    will update my posts if/when this happens and newegg will have validated many of the positive comments seen in response to my various posts.
  4. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Good for you.
    I might add that having items shipped by US Mail gives you a good chance of getting the item without paying the $10 processing fee.
    If I do get charged, I remit the customs sticker along with the appeal form and mail it to the appropriate department explaining that 'Commercial Goods' was checked in error - it should be 'Gift' - and I invariably get my $10 plus GST remitted - the hirelings don't care - as long as your not shipping hundreds of $$.
  5. bryston

    bryston Regular member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    Your story sounded like a nightmare !

    But good for you on getting what was right !

    Well done and Merry Christmas !

  6. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    I am hopeful that the end result for you, will be good. I have used newegg, for years now, and their service is second to none.

    But, I live in the U.S. I am only 100 miles south of my Canada neighbors, though. :)

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