Ok I am very new to this but so far pretty sucessful. I have a Sony DRU-700A drive that is capable of burning double layer and up to 8x. I am using nero and shrink to date. The dvd's Ihave backed up so far have been at about 61-63% comp ratio. (saving everything on dvd) Here are my questions? 1- Ihave only been able to write at 4x even though I changed my drive settings to do so at 8, Can I tell nero to burn at 8? 2- When usind a DVD-R DL, how does shrink know this so it takes advantage of the additional space and doesn't compress the files so much?
answers to questions :- 1 , what media are you burning iff its only 4 speed nero wont burn it any faster . 2 , iff your burning a dual layer disc you wont need shrink , just rip with decrypter in file mode then burn with nero . ( or using decrypter only select iso read then iso write )
I am using Verbatim 1-8x DVD-R. And does 8x improve quality or just speed of burn? I'll try the decrypter thing. Thanks
Hi, Just the speed of the burn. As a general rule, the faster you burn the more chances for errors and reduced compatibility. I've run into this twice now where a player choked on a disc burned at 8X but when the same media was burned at 4X playback was fine.