Don't buy CDs this Christmas !! "What happens to an existing monopoly when the market is opened up to it's competitors?" I asked "Well, the first thing that happens is the share price of the company with the monopoly takes a hit. (Sunday 18th December 2005)
man flip281 ur not nice... u made my friend very sad well is there any way he can get his acount back? P.S. hes a newb and isnt to good at the whole "forum thing"
jaefrax It was not very nice of foxpaws posting a very dirty pix here in this thread. You can tell ye friend this site is not his personal porno play-ground. that’s why he was removed.
@jaefrax - it's easy - the Forum Rules are in my sig. plus foxpawz is still being as irrelevant as foxpaws was. if you know him how about you read him the Forum Rules
ya he was pretty tasteless and we all no it but i think hes learned his lesson (me and his clan of foxes have been making fun ove him since he got banned) and he would realy apreciate it if u un-banned his acount. ill even get him to apologise in person if he can get back on.
ya a clan isnt realy ... well a clan with out the leader and its sorta lonley with out him... all im trying to say is that we would realy apreaciate it if ude let him back in. oh and wat jaerax said bout the appolagie, i can vouch for that and yess its been fun teaing him ^_^
ya same as foxscales, i can vouch as well and it has been fun dissin his retarded a$$ but all in all it would be nice to have him back... on all our behalf from FoxPaws were sorry so PLZ UN-BAN HIM?!?!?!? P.S. ahh foxscales u spelt teasing wrong...