a proper way to reformat for WinXP?

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by roglok, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. roglok

    roglok Member

    Jun 13, 2006
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    as of late I've had too many issues with malware, and methods of removal that stretch the limits of my patience, to the point that I am resorting to the simple, plain old method of formatnuking the drive and starting over.

    In preparation of such, I've already created a streamlined SP3 install of my WinXP CD, backed up all important data to my second drive, and scanned them with kaspersky's online scanner (which picked up, along with Avast at the same time, a couple of old "generic virus" hits, which I removed anyway).

    Now, before I go incognito and physically disconnect my PC from the rest of the internet, I'd like some feedback as to my current "plan of attack" in doing this:

    1. back up data (done)
    2. scan backed up data (done, 2nd run of kaspersky just in case)
    3. reboot PC, physically disconnect from internet, boot via streamlined XP install CD
    4. full reformat of c:, NTFS
    5. Install WinXP SP3 and drivers
    6. Install Outpost Firewall
    7. Install Avast
    8. Install SpywareBlaster
    9. Install SB SnD
    10. Physically reconnect computer
    11. Grab windows updates via admin acct
    12. System Restore Pt
    13. Swap to LUA and grab whatever else I missed out that I know is on the internet (like Winamp, VLC, etc)
  2. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    The only thing else I would recommend is to stay away from internet explorer (it attracts all the malware etc) and use firefox instead.

    And instead of a always on antispyware software (which will slowdown everything on the computer), just install the free "returnil"

    When ever you decide to surf the internet, engage "returnil" it will put your computer in virtual mode instataneously. While in virtual mode your c: drive exists only in system memory, nothing gets written to the hard drive. You can download a virus/spyware, open up infected emails, try out questionable programs, edit the registry, etc and it won't cause any permanent damage. When you reboot everything is back to normal.

    Returnil won't slow you down, it actually speeds up your internet expierence since everything is running in memory. As far as any virus spyware bypassing returnil and actually reaching the hard drive , it was tested and defeated the "killdisk" virus. It's the perfect program to install on a "clean" system and use it to surf any website you want.

    Some virus/spyware might get through the firewall, some might actually get through a antivirus, some might be able to trick your browser but none will be able to cause permanent damage if you have returnil.

    My system
    1. firewall zone alarm
    2. antivirus avg free 8.0
    3. firefox 3.0 browser
    4. returnil

    That's it, I don't have any antispyware software installed. I haven't had any malware problems in almost 2 years.

  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Partition differently.. instead of having everything on C make a E as well for data/settings. That more unix like system means that if you need to reinstall windoze (very common) you don't format everything. 20 gigs is more than enough for C:

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