A stupid Q!! why isn't dvd now full screen?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by glk2000, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. glk2000

    glk2000 Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    i always wondered why is it now that dvd movies i buy or burn never full screen? i really hate it when i get movies which have massive black bars on them even purchase copies. the reason is black in the 90s we have the box tv, we never had 2 worry about the tv programs not being full screen or the vhs or dvd's have black bars. but now with plasma and lcd all the ratio stuff is making it confusing for many of us. i know 4:3 is full screen, 16:9 is widescreen but even with 4:3 its just not fully fitted to a tv screen. i got a 50" panasonic plasma. so my queries are why don't movies makers or tv makers come up with a standard ratio where all movies and tv's are made into like the old days. why make it so bothering to have so much ratio and having the annoying black bar on the screen? i'm sure alot of us just want to watch a movie where the movies covers the screen. i understand that with 16:9 you get to see about wider horzontially but it also means cutting down the top and bottom which make it annoying with the black bar.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  2. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    glk2000- well Your not stupid That's For sure !!!! I hear what your saying About the widescreen vs. Fullscreen Debate !!!!! I'm sure one of Afterdawn.coms more Technically Astute Members could give you the reasons more eloquently but I'll Try to Explain it from My limited understanding & or Humble opinion !!!! It's called aspect ratio Regular Fullscreen Tv has a 4 X3 aspect ratio and Widescreen has a Ratio of 16x9 You've got that already ! Supposedly the reason most movies are released in widescreen is as Follows ! 1. if You reformat a film that was filmed in a widescreen format to fullscreen you supposedly loose a small par of the scene/picture toward the extreme edges of the scene /shot !2. It's supposed to be a more Theatrical presentation ( Just like you saw it at the movies ) 3. As most or atleast many films are shot in a widescreen format Releasing it in the same Widescreen format makes sense to Hollyweird because it shows the films as the Producer/director & studio envisioned it ? 4. This is more recent Most HD / Plasma /Lcd tV's are 16X9 =Widescreen/Flat screen sets so Widescreen dvd's looks best on them ! -Now Personally I prefer Fullscreen most of the time !!!! And the Reason I Think For the predominance of Widescreen Movies is simple economics = MOney !!!! To Release Two Seperate Copies of each title can get expe4nsive Especially When you have different versions of each title { Director's Cut , Unrated Version, Collector's two disc Version ect... } so Often They take the Henry ford solution ! You can have the movie In Bluray or DVD in any Version you want as long as it's wisescreen !!! Also Reformating Widescreen to fullscreen is an extra step of processing so that adds to their Product cost so eliminating that extra step/ cost maximizes Profits !!! Which is what I think the whole thing is about anyways !!!!! You Probably already know this too but you can Stretch & or expand your widescreen movies on most Flatscreen /lcds/plasma sets !!! Though it can look unatural on occasion ? You Can always voice your opinion by Buying the widescreen version if available ? and or contacting the Movie studio - Sony Disney ect .... Hope this helps ?????

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