Hey everyone this is my first post and i have a problem that somebody might be able to help me with. To free up my hard disk, I burn't my movies onto 2 dvds using "nero" and left them "open". I'm guessing this was a big mistake because now when i insert them into my drive, my computer reads them as "blank cds" and after I deleted all my burned files off my hard drive! In Nero i can see the size of the files on the dvdr (joliet 9660?) but when i try to "close vr disk" I get a message "unspecified error". I'm really upset and worried that i've lost my files for good.
here is how to close a disk/session/ through DVDDecrypter: this program is freeeeeeeeeeee: http://fileforum.betanews.com/download/DVD_Decrypter/1011845169/1 hope this helps!
Thankyou IHoe I tried it but still unable. Do you think my problem is due to the fact that I burned my files as an "image file". Sorry if I sound clueless but this is really annoying me. Thankyou Mindy87
are you sure that nero didn't finish the session? sometimes it will act like it didn't and you can still play the dvd!? check it out again.