I have a dvd player recorder that can only record DVD RAM. I am unable to play this dvd ram in my computer which is only dvd rom, does anyone know what I need to get in order to play a dvd ram on my computer? Also does anyone know how to take photos from a movie trailer? I have been told to click alt print screen, but it doesn't do anything. Please help me out with one of these situations. The most important one to me right now is the issue about the DVD Ram and DVD Rom problem.
I've had the same problem- there are few drives that will recognize RAM at all. I understand Panasonic and Pioneer have some. I just got an Iomega SuperDrive, external, that handles ALL DVD formats (Staples $160-30). I can play & write to DVD-RAM, but not without other problems. The one CD I tried to burn failed. Windows Explorer hangs whenever I right-click on the RAM's movie file (*.VOB). I strongly suspect the problem to be my config and not the drive - it's still very new to me. I'm just glad to be able get the files into the PC. Good Luck.