I tried installing moonshell onto my DSLinker card. The only problem is, i chose the Dslink setup one. Is that the correct one? Or did i make a huge mistake? Also, I heard about snes9x being ported to the ds. Is this true? If so, how?
DS Link and DS Linker are different devices so Moonshell will probably not work correctly if you chose the wrong file, i think the DS Linker is an N-Card clone so look if that is in the list on the moonshell setup program. I havn't heard anything about snes9x being ported over, but there are a few snes emulators available, they are very limited but can play some games.
now i need some help trying to uninstall moonshell so how do i do it? now, people who have installed moonshell onto ds linker, which selection should i make during the setup?