Access network files

Discussion in 'Mac - General discussion' started by guessswho, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. guessswho

    guessswho Active member

    Aug 21, 2007
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    Hey, quick question,

    I have my mac accessing a vpn connection at my house. When I do the vpn connection through my windows xp computer, I am able to access my network shares that I have.

    Now normally, when I am on my home network (and not having to vpn in) it shows my computer on the shared sidebar in finder, and I can access the files by going through that. But with vpn, it isn't showing the computer on the side. Is there another way, once connected to the vpn, to access my shared resources?

    Thanks for the help. If I need to clarify anything, let me know and I will.
  2. susieqbbb

    susieqbbb Guest

    You do relize you are asking this in a mac forum right.

    Was this suppose to be in windows.??

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