Hi, Can i ask if anyone knows a good site to buy Acekard 2? The only one I can googled is ds-one.co.uk anyone heard of them? I read from GBATemp says its a reallt good cardm gave it a Gold Award. Any one agrees? Thanks, Mary
www.itechextreme.com also have acekard 2 and dstt, they all support SHC, and the price is really good
hello i think at the moment you might struggle to find a uk website selling acekard 2 . if you dont mind waiting from china you could get one here - http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.11811 you could try the edge ds it is also a gbatemp gold award winner and probably just as good as a acekard 2 . review here - http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=74099 also you can buy in the uk from a reliable uk website ive used several times here - http://www.addictsupplies.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=28 woof811.
www.itechextreme.com privide worldwide shipping, it's take 4-7 days from canada to UK, i introduce my friend bought it, he live in UK.
If i want to buy from abroad then i would use www.dealextreme.com cheapest anywhere plus free shipping.
took the plunge and bought from ds-one.co.uk and happy i did, very prompt delivery and good customer care. bought the acekard 2 + 2gb memory with system files installed, theres even a home brew chess on it. great stuff, highly recommended.
You can try www.gamekool.com http://www.gamekool.com/acekard-c-14.html. this is really new to me, i hv studied Acekard for a long time. Finally, i made up my my to purchase one( Actually i wanna buy R4, but i was so curious.) and i got it just now!!!! I'm going to use it. c ya Hope you can find some good stuff you want.
I think you can try www.gamekool.com http://www.gamekool.com/acekard-c-14.html?zenid=36k38kng031bbknn6ku5lu0q76 I got one from them, nice paking and fast delivery. actually, I hv owned one R4, but i think Acekard is better than R4,... and what do you guys think?
yep agree with ya, acekard 2 is definitely better than r4. do you know where i can get cheat files for acekard 2?
yes, www.itechextreme.com offer very good price, especially with free shipping. BUT http://www.dealextreme.com/ is cheaper, also offer free shipping.